
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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Color information

Some information is not presented in a text form, but is encoded into text color. Here is a list of the semantics of different text colors you may encounter throughout the game.

  • In the players section, player name color holds the information about player's activity
    • Lime (or Green) (online) means that player was active in last 10 minutes. This kind of information can be found in other sections too, for example challenges and games
    • Red (offline) means that player was active in last 7 days
    • Dark red (inactive) means that player was active in last 21 days
    • Gray (dead) means that player was inactive for more than 21 days
  • In the game section color holds information about player activity. Opponent's name (located above tower and wall info) is in Lime (or Green) color, when he is online