Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game
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BB code
[b]some_text[/b] will add bold font weight to
[i]some_text[/i] will add italic style to
[link]internal_url[/link] will make a hyperlink from the provided internal_url (used to reference pages within MArcomage website)
[link=internal_url]some text[/link] will make a hyperlink from some text pointing to location described by internal_url (used to reference pages within MArcomage website)
[url]external_url[/url] will make a hyperlink from the provided external_url (used to reference pages outside MArcomage website)
[url=external_url]some text[/url] will make a hyperlink from some text pointing to location described by external_url (used to reference pages outside MArcomage website)
[quote]some_text[/quote] will make a quote containing some_text
[quote=some_name]some_text[/quote] will make a quote containing some_text with some_name as quote author
[card=id]some_text[/card] will make a hyperlink from some text pointing to specified card
[keyword]keyword_name[/keyword] will make a hyperlink from keyword_name pointing to specified keyword
[keyword=keyword_name]some_text[/keyword] will make a hyperlink from some text pointing to specified keyword
[concept=id]some_text[/concept] will make a hyperlink from some text pointing to specified concept
An error has occurred