
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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dindon on 04:14, 1. Mar, 2010
In an earlier topic I said that "Earthquake" was the worst rare in the game, but now that I remember this card, I realize I was wrong. This card is just bad, bad, bad. I wouldn't even take it if it were uncommon. I would suggest making it 0-cost (yes, the current cost is that far off), or giving it some new behaviour.
marsrover21 on 09:42, 1. Mar, 2010
Going off on this same topic, I wanted to suggest a Goblin/Orc, Lower Races, etc. type key word. Maybe have the effect be random since goblins are mischievous.
Lord Ornlu on 12:16, 1. Mar, 2010
Indeed this card is quite useless, ofcourse you get +2 dungeon, and orc regiment, but orc regiment can easily be discarded by the enemy if they have discard cards. Or you never get to play it if you are facing a Brigand deck, or either you play it and you still have to deal another 100 damage before you can win, if you are facing Alliance/Unliving decks. Also the rest of the cards are pretty much useless.
Progressor on 17:38, 1. Mar, 2010
Troll can be pretty nasty, if you can keep playing it for over and over again (which, since you now have the Dungeons, is all up to your opponent). But picking a rare for a uncommon...
Damalycus on 07:36, 23. May, 2012
This one is too boring now. 40 resources is nice but assortment of goods is poor. We play this only to have orc regimen, and the rest of the hand is useless. I think it should have overseer or overlord for versatility, maybe gate keeper. Why troll when having regimen? Maybe add troll bridge?

Or even more fun - take out regimen and replace it with mostly uncommon horde cards. Maybe even random.

That way we have set of nice, non-insta-win cards, get recruits to play them, and to trigger keyword effect more.