
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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garbageonly on 08:29, 29. Jul, 2008
Has anyone actually won with Completion ritual?
I tried several times without any success :(
Tip from someone who has done it before?
Mojko on 10:46, 29. Jul, 2008
I won once ^_^. Yeah, it's kind of hard, but it is possible. After the balance changes it should be even more possible to win this way...
daviepai on 10:53, 29. Jul, 2008
The chance of completing the Titans is extremely low. I actually tested with a friend, and eventually we ended up with a tie game . We waited for 250 rounds, yet we were still missing Titan's heart. Consider in a real battle, while your opponent actually attacks you, win by completing the titans becomes not very attractive.
Progressor on 13:07, 29. Jul, 2008
Will there be more alternative win possibility's?
Mojko on 22:50, 29. Jul, 2008
No, I don't plan any right now. However resource accumulation victory will be changed to 400 total resources (sum).
amaster on 20:30, 3. Aug, 2008
I dislike Titan victory because it's more a game of luck than skills. Too much luck involved to win in this way. So I'm more than happy that it is currently set in this way. :D

PS: Good to see that resource accumulation is finally changed into 400 resources (sum). My suggestion has been implemented. Too happy. ^o^
DPsycho on 01:29, 4. Aug, 2008
Almost all of Arcomage is luck rather than "skill." Skill and planning is involved when building a deck, but once the challenge is issued, it's luck first and tactics second. I don't think that a Titan victory is any different, really. Opponents have plenty of opportunity to block its realization, and the one with the Titan pieces always has the option to play the individual cards to great effect.
amaster on 02:38, 4. Aug, 2008
Almost all of Arcomage is luck rather than "skill."

Yes it would seem to be. If you don't know what to do, the luck factor may be 70-80% to you. But if you want to win more, you have to try to reduce the luck factor as much as possible. Otherwise you can't win constantly and reliably.

I believe a good player can manage to reduce the luck factor to 20-30%. Deck building is very important. Some play styles (eg Titan Victory) rely much on luck while some not. Some kinds of card decks are more luck based, some not.

My current situation (rough estimation):
Card building 50-60%
Card playing / tactics ingame 20-30% (required: good card decks)
Luck Factor 20-30%

Basically speaking, try to incorporate the more flexible and multi-purpose cards which can deal with most situations. For example Defense improvement is better because it's flexible and can either help building tower or wall. Wrong choice if you choose Fortification.
amaster on 02:39, 4. Aug, 2008
These are the luck factors which I can do little with:
- Play first / later (it seems to be minor, but it's actually a significant advantage, especially if you know how to make use of it. Little can be done on first round to offset the "play first" advantage. I played with friends. We keep exchanging ideas and on similar levels. Generally speaking my winning chance will be raised by 20% if I play first. I would like to give +2 stock handicaps to my friends)
- The keywords have side effect now and most are luck-based. Hmm... Not sure how much I can do to weaken the luck factor of keyword. Need investigation and practice.

Other luck factors like wrong/bad draws or wrong timings can be mostly offset by a better and more solid card deck, so no concerns. I simply avoid using cards with too much luck involved since victory based on those cards are unreliable. You do want to constantly win, don't you?

My two cents.
amaster on 02:49, 4. Aug, 2008
it's luck first and tactics second.
If you build a titan-based card deck, you are bound to play by luck. Well it is very easy to fail as you say. Too easy to stop them if you have the right cards.

If you build a tactic-based card deck, it would be tactics first, luck second. Keep reducing the luck factor and you are good to go. Good card deck building is important towards long-run victory. It affects your ingame play and whether you need to depend on luck (unrelaible) or tactics (relaible).
Mojko on 10:27, 8. Sep, 2008
I did it !!!

See it's possible - now with titan keyword side-effect and new Tartarus gate :)
DPsycho on 15:45, 31. Dec, 2010
Fithz Hood suggested in a replay thread to add an else effect to Completion ritual to summon a Titan not in hand if the primary condition isn't met, and I agree. I occasionally end up with it due to the Titan keyword and end up playing it just to trigger the keyword again and hope for something more useful. If that were worked into the card itself, well, I'd stop being disappointed when the keyword draws it.
dimitris on 19:14, 31. Dec, 2010
I agree! Personally, I play Unliving/titan without aiming on titan victory and everytime this card comes to my hand I discard it, which is really annoying.
Lord_Earthfire on 20:18, 17. Apr, 2011
To come to the side effect if the condition is not met, i see that when i play the ritual and the keyword is triggering myself getting a titan card that is not needed, like in this replay (Even if i had lost anyway, thats out of matter):

I would suggest (or rather wish, because its just annoying and very situential) to add a little change in the titan keyword-trigger for completition ritual, so the effect would be skipped if the last card played was a rare titan or you would gain some gems insetead of a random titan.
DPsycho on 20:39, 17. Apr, 2011
I suggested once that the keyword effect should check and see if the NEW card is already a Titan and make no replacement if it is, but then dindon did the math and showed how that would favor drawing the Common ones when the NEW card was pulled by standard draw. It was probably a thread about the keyword itself or keyword revisions, not sure I can find it easily.

Can the keyword effect check whether the last card played was Completion ritual and do nothing if it was?
Mojko on 20:50, 17. Apr, 2011
Probably yes, but I would like to avoid making such exceptions in the code. I'll try to find a better solution.
godisdead on 22:21, 17. Oct, 2011
Please change the text :
If all Titan cards are present in hand
Instant destruction victory
Replace a card in hand with Titan not present in hand

Lord_Earthfire on 08:13, 19. Oct, 2011
This change would be sometimes devestating for titan decks, because:

-The replace is complete random,so valuable titan cards can be replaced

-At some point, a titan deck needs other cards than titans , so replacing a card which is not the ritual could be bad since cards like "restoration" (A very valuable card in titan decks) or even other rares would be probably replaced.

I would just leave it as it is, maybe the keyword-trigger with this card is more annoying, but it is just a think of calculation, the replace effect could really destroy your planings for the ne4xt rounds and would make the secondary effect of this card unreliable, a think which is NOT allowed in titan decks.
NG_Beholder on 09:24, 19. Oct, 2011
I'm pretty sure godisdead is talking about Druid-like mechanics where you can select a card to be replaced.
godisdead on 10:26, 19. Oct, 2011
NG_Beholder wrote:
I'm pretty sure godisdead is talking about Druid-like mechanics where you can select a card to be replaced.

Yes, it's right.

You replace a bad card with a titan and if trigger key word, you can summon 2 titan card in 1 turn.