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Myschly on 21:52, 12. Dec, 2009
Now by deck-type I don't mean keywords per se, more the general sense you have in your decks.

Do you generally construct decks to win fast, by attack, what? I myself must admit I belong in the group "control-freak". Stemming from my Magic: The Gathering-days, I enjoy decks that give me a sense of control on the game. Lowering enemy facility, resources, while at the same time beefing up for my victory, yum.

Not to say that this is always a good thing. Because of this, I'm pretty bad at creating fast-win decks, and almost all my decks require an average of at least 30 rounds before victory is on my mind.

So the decks I hate? Well, fast decks basically. Spending round 9 thinking of what way to fastest increase my facilities for that Alliance-production only to die round 10 from a Vampire is a good example of this.

Oh and combo-decks. I love combo-decks. Tower-destruction, and having a seemingly random deck, that builds up to one of the 5 possible odd combos, I just love that ^^
dindon on 22:39, 12. Dec, 2009
What do I play? I've always loved legend/mage decks, so I probably play that more than any other. I usually win by tower destruction, but winning by construction isn't that uncommon with the power of Ice Queen, nor is resource victory, given the ridiculous facility-building power of legends.

I have just about every kind of deck (rush, construction, tower-destruction, control), and I try to improve them all and play them all over time.

What kind of decks do I hate? Well, I think rush decks are kind of overpowered right now. I always cringe when I see an Overpower in someone's starting hand. Losing in two rounds is so not fun. I think it's an interesting and totally legit playstyle, I just think certain cards it uses are a little overpowered right now.
lord Alex on 23:12, 12. Dec, 2009
hmmm, I think I'm the typical rush type ^^ It might be a bit unfair, but it's really funny to win within 9 turns :-)
I really don't like these "I steal all of your resources wait until you are dead" decks... Hey Myschly, I'm your reverse ^^
Djinn on 23:56, 12. Dec, 2009
I don't like the rush decks, or any game that ends quickly (by my hand or my opponents), because it only means I have to challenge someone to replace that game. I do legend-mage mostly, but I've used all but undead and barbarian. I also have a deck I've never used that aims to create a tie every time; I just can't seem to get it right.
Noak on 01:13, 13. Dec, 2009
I like to make powerful decks, and yes its almost always tower destruction. Instead of picking keywords and cards that are strong together i find it more amusing to have cards that are individually strong and cost efficient. It makes you so much more adaptable and if couple it with a lot of discard cards you can be sure to almost always be able to draw those counters you need.
Myschly on 08:54, 13. Dec, 2009
Hehe yepp lord Alex, wonder who'd win a mini-tournament...
Djinn: Always trying to tie-deck sounds very interesting :O

Oh and yeah, who doesn't love Legends? Yum!
Also, the 0-cost decks are totally sweet. As soon as more slots come I'm going to increase the number of 0-cost decks in my arsenal.
Lord_Earthfire on 11:42, 13. Dec, 2009
You know, i like decks most which are focused on gaining recources or reducting the enemy recources, only to spare that much recources to use some rare cards (by the way, some decks of mine are focused on gaining rares). So in this way, my decks need some time and i hate this rusher decks. Ok, i haven't ever tried one rusher deck, maybe because i hate them ^^.
(holded sometimes the stock of someone for 50 rounds almost to zero, that was great xD)
Progressor on 15:00, 13. Dec, 2009
Atm, Im kinda addicted to Restoration. I try to integrate it in decks that do other things, making resources less of a problem. In some cases it might make resource-vic viable, even though the deck aims for something else. (It doesn't always fit, of course.)
Chrone on 21:08, 13. Dec, 2009
Before tokens were introduced i played defensive Alliance deck with overcosted attack cards like orc regiment. x6 productions with the shrine of miriam or x20 recruits with the dark forge were awesome.

Tower-attack decks are very conditional, so they were not very interesting to me.

Pure barbarians, soldiers, undeads and beasts were not very effective in my hands, so i dont play them.

Among pure decks unliving, brigands and mages were preferable, but still not very powerful. I decided that pure-keyword decks are weak.

So i began arranging shuffled decks.

The first one was not-unliving tower-builder deck. An idea of accumulating bricks for numerous builder-cards with swift-gem-costers and stealing-brigands-recruit-costers was quite playable with win ratio about 70%.

The second idea was to put overpowered cards from different decks together, namely: legends, frenzy, vampire, divine intervention, sorcerer's outpost, death wave and such.
I was very skeptical about this experiment, but it was stunningly successful. I played this deck a bit and became bored.

The third one was quite interesting brigand/undead deck. Very good deck, but very boring. I decided to return to overpowered-cards-mix deck.

After last update i refined that deck to make fast-destruction one: removed legends, added new quick common hand-refreshers and placed it on holy keyword basis for fast resource accumulation. It is the deck i play now. It is so effective that i already had three failed attempts to create more powerful deck and made under-15-turn-wins of games against virtually everyone.

Thus, i will wait for "nullify"-keyword introduction to make something new.
Fithz Hood on 09:28, 14. Dec, 2009
I suppose I'm a tower builder, but only becouse my strongest decks are based on tower. basically I always try to make original decks but they are kinda weak. anyway my zero cost deck (tower version) is the deck I use the most: 14 zero-commons, uncommon used for stock and tower (using also some gems/recruits based tower cards). and the scepter to summon rares like stronghold that can win the match. there is also the combo ispiration+sabotage that saved me many times. actually I have 4 zero cost decks: tower mode, accumulation mode, rares attack mode and titan mode.
Another type of game I play is to stock up many resources and than go with a chain of swift/quick cards so that the opponent has no time to react.
I hate overpowered decks (those with uncommon legends, vampire, clay golem...).
I also hate decks that destroy my facilities.
I love to play against Chemo but I hate almost all of his decks.
Djinn on 23:16, 14. Dec, 2009
Xpoh, I think many people read your "tips to a good deck", because suddenly I'm seeing a lot of variability in decks where people tried to put together the "most overpowered cards in the game"; so far one out of four have been successful.
Chrone on 08:53, 15. Dec, 2009
Indeed =)
Nevertheless i'll try some towerbuilding decks. They are much more interesting to play against rushers.