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MeCho on 09:16, 4. Sep, 2015
I propose a new keyword Frost i propose it to increase Tower and Wall i dont know if it would have tokens or a Frost card after a uncommon Frost card i can have it aither way i could personaly take the task to create Frost cards i can do this i have already created about 80 cards i would build up the keyword around defense and mainly use gems for Wall i know its ambitious but let me give it a try
MeCho on 13:08, 4. Sep, 2015
I have already created over 30 Frost cards in notepad and im not even done yet all i need now is Mojko's approval
Mojko on 14:48, 4. Sep, 2015
Feel free to suggest new cards via card concepts section. If you want to suggest new keyword please use a forum thread (this one for example) to describe the keyword effect and collect feedback.

You don't need my approval to do so - both forum and card concepts sections are available to all registered users.
MeCho on 14:51, 4. Sep, 2015
Well i already suggested that it could increase Wall and Tower now i will upload my card ideas then

Edit: Done uploading whew it took me quite some time
DPsycho on 17:33, 4. Sep, 2015
Yes, but increase wall and tower how exactly?
MeCho on 17:45, 4. Sep, 2015
Aither by accumulating enough Tokens or by playing a Frost card after playing a diffrent non common Frost card and for the ammount i leave it to decide for others i have already made over 30 cards you may balance it acording to my created cards strength
antichroust on 07:39, 5. Sep, 2015
DPsycho wrote:
Yes, but increase wall and tower how exactly?

just some random suggestions:

1)Frost - basic gain 15, bonus gain 4, Freezing - gain wall for each Frost card in hand (C - 3, U - 6, R - 12) and tower (C - 1, U - 3, R - 9)

2)Frost - basic gain 10, bonus gain 5, Snowstorm - if matching non-Frost card is attack, tower- or wall- card of the same or lower rarity as played card replace it with common Frost card, gain wall based on the total cost of the played car (Max N, N based on rarity of the played card (C - 9, U - 18, R - 36))

3)if Frost card is played after playing different non-common Frost card, upgrade rarities of neighbouring Frost cards

4)if played card is a neighbour card of Frost: raise wall (C - 2, U - 4, R - 10) and raise tower (C - 1, U - 2, R - 5)

MeCho on 09:31, 5. Sep, 2015
What the heck ill give it a shot too

1.Basic gain 15 bonus gain 10 increase Tower and Wall based on played card rarity (C-4 U-8 -16) for wall and (C-2 U-4 R-8)for Tower

2.If a Frost card is played after playing a diffrent non common Frost card Tower +4 Wall +10
Fithz Hood on 09:32, 5. Sep, 2015
Ehi, I like it.
I would like this to be a token keyword.

Let's see wich cards can gain the Frost keyword:

Cold arrow
Frost unicorn
Frozen flame (making it working also with Frost)
glacial temple
Heimdall (but it shoul drop Mage)
Ice dragon
Ice queen
Ice revenant
Magical palace (and let's give it also the Illusion keyword)
Northern archer
Northern fortress
Northern mountains
Northern scout
Road to Valhalla
Thor (also this one should lose a keyword)
White lady

DPsycho on 13:08, 5. Sep, 2015
Should Frost cards be immune to the Burning keyword effect?
MeCho on 13:20, 5. Sep, 2015
I would prefer it didint have imunity to Burning
antichroust on 15:57, 5. Sep, 2015
DPsycho wrote:
Should Frost cards be immune to the Burning keyword effect?

with arrival of this keyword i think it would be interesting to have this cycle of vulnerability:
frost vulnerable to burning
burning vulnerable to aqua
aqua vulnerable to frost

of course it would possibly mean that the choosing of deck will apriori determines who wins (depending on handicap made by these keywords) - for example something like having elementalist against unliving deck
strafer on 20:49, 16. Sep, 2015
Wall/Tower+ is feature of Aqua keyword, don't deprive it :-)

Or maybe it's worth to change Aqua behavior from tower-wall+ to enemy tower- — this feature isn't used any other collectible keywords. It will be more logically for «High tide»: how can tide increase tower or wall height?
MeCho on 15:07, 16. Oct, 2015
So is stock - for Brigand but Aqua still uses it
Mojko on 23:38, 18. Oct, 2016
I like the idea of having a Frost keyword, however after doing some analysis I've decided to go for different keyword effect which takes advantage of two new keywords: Renewal and Forbidden. Current design is quite unrefined at the moment and is subject to change.

The main idea is the effect to "freeze" opponent's deck. This can be done by placing a special card "Crystal seal" that has both Forbidden and Renewal keywords in opponent's deck. Crystal seal would have a slightly negative effect when played, thus acting as a hindrance. Frost would be a non-token keyword and the effect would be triggered each time a Frost keyword is played, however it would depend on card rarities (maybe some additional conditions should be added, for example having total cost of the played card be higher compared to matching card or "if played card is a neighbour of a Frost card").

Keyword effect description:

- played common Frost card
-> replace one rare card in opponent's deck with Crystal seal (will ignore Crystal seal cards present in deck)

- played uncommon Frost card
-> replace one uncommon card in opponent's deck with Crystal seal (will ignore Crystal seal cards present in deck)

- played rare Frost card
-> replace one common card in opponent's deck with Crystal seal (will ignore Crystal seal cards present in deck)

Obviously a lot of balance is required, but this outlines the general idea behind the keyword. Of course we can add support cards that alter their effect based on presence of Crystal seal card in opponent's hand / deck. On the other hand we could add some "Crystal seal" removal effect to some existing cards or keywords, like Burning for example.

Feedback is appreciated.
MeCho on 09:02, 19. Oct, 2016
I dont really see how this is different from Burning other then that you cant discard the card and that it doesnt use tokens.I guess with creative cards to play around these non discardable cards could make things interesting but the thing is you only need 1 turn to play the card which is the as with Searing fire to play or discard even though it takes atleast 2 turns to replace the card with Burning where it only takes 1 with Frost that + that you cant discard it sounds just like a buffed up version of Bruning because of that the Frost card effects themselves would have to be weaker because of the strong keyword
Mojko on 18:51, 19. Oct, 2016
MeCho wrote:
I dont really see how this is different from Burning other then that you cant discard the card and that it doesnt use tokens.I guess with creative cards to play around these non discardable cards could make things interesting but the thing is you only need 1 turn to play the card which is the as with Searing fire to play or discard even though it takes atleast 2 turns to replace the card with Burning where it only takes 1 with Frost that + that you cant discard it sounds just like a buffed up version of Bruning because of that the Frost card effects themselves would have to be weaker because of the strong keyword

Thanks for feedback. With Frost keyword I'm trying out the new mechanic that would replace cards in opponent's deck. It's still very early in the development, so the keyword effect may be changed significantly.
DPsycho on 18:57, 19. Oct, 2016
Above, you said "hand" rather than "deck" except for a Rare trigger. Was that incorrect?
Mojko on 19:04, 19. Oct, 2016
DPsycho wrote:
Above, you said "hand" rather than "deck" except for a Rare trigger. Was that incorrect?

You're right, I have posted an older version of the keyword effect, thanks for pointing that out. It's updated now. I would like to keep the distinction between Burning (hand poison effect) and Frost (deck poison effect) if possible.
Sorlag on 21:44, 19. Oct, 2016
Mojko wrote:
Crystal seal

Is it one card or three (common Crystal seal, uncommon Crystal seal and rare Crystal seal)?
How about an effect, when card remains but turns frozen? Frost effect would alert card effect then.