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justfun on 12:16, 28. Oct, 2013
Towerkill decks are currently most overpowered compared other decks. In long mode they win 14-16 turns average. While full attack decks cant compete with that and tower builds cant compete since u but at least some defence if not alot defence playing vs unknown deck. Full build can win but even hybrid build has dificulties vs tower kill. Problem is that tower kill has so versatile resource usage and very effective common cards like javeliner, perfect shot, thieves with honor, infilator and trigger trap. Also great resource generation cards like sige preparation and divine guidance.

This is all u need to keep choping enemy tower away with low cost cards.
airelemental (-9), catapult (-14), flamespliter (-9), sharpshooters (-10), Jealousy (-25,-10), Sandworm (-16), rescue and resitance(-10), telekinesis (-5), ballista (-10), chain lighting (-11), Sabotage tunnel (-20), assassins(-5)

I have played 30+ games and would say tower kill rarelly looses. Only if enemy will get ridiclous draw and u get bad draw.
justfun on 12:26, 28. Oct, 2013
14-16 turns is vs attack deck. Vs build deck its longer but with build deck u will have many wall cards and wont get enough tower cards while hes attack them away.

Only good cards are vs tower kill to prolong suffering is Work in progress what negates 5 tower damage and is durable also mountain sentry what negates 5 damage but is very cost unefficent since its 12 rouseses + 0 generation with makes it 21 resources for 5 tower damage or 20 wall damage.

I find there should be more durable commons and uncommons to justify getting banish cards. Currently most dangerous cards without banish are moat and guardian. I think there should be more durable and banish cards in game. I find very hard to find banish uncommon to build deck. Since all banish uncommons are attack cards.
NG_Beholder on 14:00, 28. Oct, 2013
Try Citadel towers, Lookout towers, Parapet, Blind guardian and Foundation. You can't play a deck without tower+ cards unless it's extreme rush deck for normal mode. And now you can either outrush or outbuild tower- deck, especially in long mode.
justfun on 14:02, 28. Oct, 2013
As i said i have build deck and i have best tower building cards there and as i said u wont get enough tower card to outbuild towerkill deck. And as building and attacking deck u prefer wall cards over tower cards since they are more effeicint vs other decks and even if u add few tower cards it wont make much difrence vs towerkill deck.

justfun on 14:03, 28. Oct, 2013
Ofcouse u can win it easily if u know u are against towerkill decks. But any general deck who is ment vs anykind of deck cant stand vs towerkill deck in longrun
dimitris on 16:00, 28. Oct, 2013
This is a "problem" since ancient times :)
In my opinion pure rush attack decks > tower attack decks and in long mode brigand/stock/facilities drain decks rule them all :)

This is a game with 600+ cards, it's very difficult to balance, even for pro game designers.
NG_Beholder on 16:23, 28. Oct, 2013
Tower- WAS problematic because of Quick commons, long mode non-existance and some overpowered uncommons. Now it's annoying, it can kill unprepared opponent, but it can be outrushed by both attack and building. There is more cheap common building cards that fit any deck, more resource cards (Erosion, one of tower- decks' keystones, lost its efficiency outside of Destruction decks) et cetera.
The only thing I can think of is Javeliner, it must have lower divider - 8, I'd say.
DPsycho on 18:00, 28. Oct, 2013
Justfun, have you played a tower- deck? They're not as easily deployed as you say. If the opponent has suitable tower+ cards as have already been listed as well as resource- or facility- cards, tower- doesn't stand a chance. I don't play mine often currently because it gets shut out without much effort on the opponent's part.

This game is pretty well balanced, and the devs look at statistics of what cards are played the most and the least to see what needs adjustment. If you believe that any particular cards or strategies are too strong right now, the best way to get it changed is to overuse those cards and strategies to demonstrate the fact.
NG_Beholder on 19:55, 28. Oct, 2013
Fithz Hood once did 24 out of 25 with tower- deck in normal mode, but I guess it's not possible anymore. Rush and Frenzy decks are faster in normal mode, and this kind of decks never was OP in long mode.
Standard tower- deck doesn't have defensive cards at all - Ballistae and Watchtower are expensive uncommonsю But even if it does, it must stop the pressure to play it - and this is unacceptable.

vault and Lord Ornlu will laugh a lot if they ever see this thread... :)
boovli on 12:35, 31. Oct, 2013
Actually I mostly agree with topicstarter. (The single point in which I disagree with topicstarter, is that towerbuilding is weaker than towerklling, i think vice verse). At least for long mode, I virtually don't play short mode. Tower killing deck is generally stronger than most decks which are widely or even not so widely used. I mean almost any keyword deck, which are usually built so that they can compete with other keyword decks. If you add anti-towerkilling cards to your standard deck it will be weaker than just standard deck without those cards. And people usually use standard decks, so there is no sense in adding anti-towerkilling cards.
Towerkilling deck is really imba, but it is not so often used just because it is kinda boring (that is my case). Or because some people doesn't understand that it is imba (see this topic^^). All these conclusions come directly from my own experience, if I pick towerkilling deck I will almost for sure win. Or at least win with much higher probability than my win rate.
I really think that towerkilling cards should become a bit weaker, so that overall damage decreases by smth like 10-15%.

Also I want to offer anyone who wants a challenge that can prove or disprove my statement. One should pick his common deck, which he thinks is not weaker than towerkilling deck. And play say 20 games versus my towerkilling. After that the deck should be tested in the same quantity of games against several of my more standard decks. I claim that if your deck can play vs towerklling deck fairly well, it will lose to standard decks. If someone interested, PM me, we'll arrange some time, when both of us have 1-2 spare hours for the game.

Fithz Hood on 19:58, 31. Oct, 2013
here the experiment I've made some years ago.
The situation now is changed, towerkill cards are more expensive and tower building cards are cheaper. My towerkill deck has a 2:1 win/loss ratio, quite powerful but I have better decks. It's weak against rush decks, tower building decks and resources lowering deck. keyword bases decks have difficult times against this. with "erosion" in it also runic struggles.
But I heve to say that a owerkill deck it's not easy to use, a non-experienced player will have problem using it since it requires a wise management of resources and cards to be discarded (not like brigand that can be used also by a noob in no-brain mode).
I'd like to test some of my decks against Boovli's towerkill deck. I will use holy, aria and mage

ah, I'm talking about long non-hidden games. in other modes towerkill decks are probably more overpowered

boovli on 22:18, 31. Oct, 2013
Fithz wrote:
here the experiment I've made some years ago.
The situation now is changed, towerkill cards are more expensive and tower building cards are cheaper. My towerkill deck has a 2:1 win/loss ratio, quite powerful but I have better decks. It's weak against rush decks, tower building decks and resources lowering deck. keyword bases decks have difficult times against this. with "erosion" in it also runic struggles.
But I heve to say that a owerkill deck it's not easy to use, a non-experienced player will have problem using it since it requires a wise management of resources and cards to be discarded (not like brigand that can be used also by a noob in no-brain mode).
I'd like to test some of my decks against Boovli's towerkill deck. I will use holy, aria and mage

ah, I'm talking about long non-hidden games. in other modes towerkill decks are probably more overpowered

I have one question - why you think that resource lowering decks stronger than towerkilling? If u want to lower opponents resources fast enough your deck will have almost non of +tower cards (only Thief hideout or smth like this), and towerkilling deck has both cheap cards (Thieves with honor, Stone archer, Rescue and resistance, Crenellation, SHogun) and +resources cards (enough to play medium-cost cards from time to time).

I accepted your game invitation, hope we'll be online at same time.

And actually I though more about long mode, hidden cards. But I think with opened cards it still should work.
Fithz Hood on 22:34, 31. Oct, 2013
maybe you're right about towerkill been cheaper than what i think. it's the deck I use vs Captain Demetrios afterall (but I always lose so it's not very significative)
Glizorkulblorkul on 06:13, 22. Jan, 2014
Yeah tower kill decks are anti-fun and completely unbalanced in non 'long mode' games which is why i pretty much exclusively play long-mode games