
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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Damalycus on 11:15, 30. Nov, 2012
I think we can make some common frenzy cards, and modify keyword:

"If there's non-common frenzy in hand..."

What do you think?
Fithz Hood on 11:56, 30. Nov, 2012
If i remenber corretly Mojko already have a plan about this. But he din't tell us the details, we have to wait the upcoming update
Mojko on 12:45, 30. Nov, 2012
Indeed, I will be revising the Frenzy keyword with the aim to support common Frenzy cards as well. I will be informing you about details in balance changes preview as usual.
Mojko on 15:58, 2. Dec, 2012
Here is the change to Frenzy keyword effect that is currently in my working draft:


"if there is another Frenzy card in hand, opponent receives bonus damage (recruits cost of the played card)."


"if there is another Frenzy card in hand, opponent receives bonus damage (N * recruits cost of the played card / 3, N based on played card rarity (Common - 1, Uncommon - 2, Rare - 3))."

Feedback is welcome :)
DPsycho on 16:53, 2. Dec, 2012
"if there is another Frenzy card in hand, opponent receives bonus damage (N * recruits cost of the played card / 3, N based on played card rarity (Common - 1, Uncommon - 2, Rare - 3))."

The way it's worded, I was doing the math wrong for a while. I would rephrase it either as:

"if there is another Frenzy card in hand, opponent receives bonus damage (recruits cost of the played card * N/3, N based on played card rarity (Common - 1, Uncommon - 2, Rare - 3))."


"if there is another Frenzy card in hand, opponent receives bonus damage (N * recruits cost of the played card, N based on played card rarity (Common - 1/3, Uncommon - 2/3, Rare - 1))."

Alternately, and this gives a different value when Uncommon (halving rather than 2/3) but may be easiest to read,

"if there is another Frenzy card in hand, opponent receives bonus damage (recruits cost of the played card / N, N based on played card rarity (Common - 3, Uncommon - 2, Rare - 1))."

As it is now, I kept thinking N was in the denominator and that the relative effects were thus reversed. In any case, it's harder to predict exact damage when dividing since you have to either know or make a guess as to when rounding will occur. This might be more math than it's worth.
Mojko on 17:06, 2. Dec, 2012
I was thinking about using the / N format, but from balance point of view I would like to keep the 2/3 value for the uncommon cards. I think I will use the * N/3 format. Thanks for suggestions :)
NG_Beholder on 22:47, 2. Dec, 2012
So what do we'll have with this change?

Battle rager: 26 to 21 damage (this is the same exact value that Battle rager has now with no other Frenzies in hand; this card would need a rework, I guess);
Giant spider: 17 to 15 damage;
Lancer: 20 to 17 damage;
War elephant: 73 to 60 damage (and it's a little bit too much);
Wolf mistress: 16 to 13 damage;
Wolf raiders: 33 to 30 damage.

And then you're planning to introduce some common Frenzy cards. In this case any common Frenzy will become an actual BUFF to Frenzy deck. You should remove some uncommon Frenzies. I suggest to revert Lancer to old one (because Lancer is the worst Frenzy) and replace Frenzy with Horde for Wolf raiders (or raise its rarity - it's the best one hands down).
Mojko on 06:54, 3. Dec, 2012
I plan to revise all Frenzy cards, indeed. Also, some new common Frenzy cards will be added, either as new cards or existing common cards will be given Frenzy.