
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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burned on 08:17, 11. Apr, 2012
He is like child who cant accept defeats. So he makes mistake what costs his game and he is 1 turns away defeat and he wont play a card he plays other games but dont finish where he is lost. So i make another account to ask why he dont play game he again was 1 turn away from loosing and dont finish the game.
Mojko on 08:47, 11. Apr, 2012
We have a system implemented that prevents opponent from not taking turns. After 3 weeks the game can be finished in your favour.
Spoon on 13:57, 14. Apr, 2012
Regardless of what may be going on, I don't think an inflammatory forum post is the way forward. Perhaps a message to one or more of the devs/mods would be more helpful?
Lord_Earthfire on 18:23, 14. Apr, 2012
Why not sending him a private message?

I had the same problem, but i sat on the other side. Someone told me that i would just don't take any turns and would just slither the game into a abort to not score any looses. At this time, i was very inactive and wanted to finish my list of games to be inactive for some weeks, but since i was already very inactive, i take only slowly my turns, maybe too slowly for some player.

All in all, i have to say that you should just take some patience. Maybe he has a reason for not taking any turns or something like this. On the other side, just don't accept his challenges and let the other experience this either. But this posts are more contraproductive, they are harming the community atmosphere and the message is not worth this harm.

PS: When you look at my bad statistics, you see that i don't care for my statistic :D

Edit: Hey, i see now that this message is 2 years ago and i'm here since more than three years... man, time seems passing fast xD
Spoon on 13:41, 23. Jun, 2012
As much as I don't like that this thread exists, I'm afraid I'll have to use it, since the exact same is happening to me.
My game has ceased to advance, as soon as andi knows he will lose next turn. I have sent him a message, waited several days, he definitely has been online in that time, but he's just not taking the last turn.
It's just not acceptable behaviour.
Mojko on 13:52, 23. Jun, 2012
I would like to hear what andi has to say. It can be only a coincidence. This is a turn based game, so we can't force players to take their turn in real time. Maybe I could add 'hardcore' mode, which would force the player to take his turn within 30 seconds or he would lose the game.
Damalycus on 14:09, 23. Jun, 2012
I do not mind about andi's tricks, but when you cannot play, let's say a titan victory award or,resource accumulation snob - then it does suck.

Instead of hardcore mode (which should be at least 5 minutes) I have 4 propositions.

1- If we lose to andi -do not finish the game on his final turn either. That way he will run out of slots pretty soon, and will be forced to end games.
2- If game time limit ends, player gets to make moves for his enemy (1-3 moves);
3- player with X unfinished (long ago) games cannot start new games.
4- player with X unfinished games (long ago), when starting a new game has XXX gold stolen in favor of awaiting player.
dimitris on 14:39, 23. Jun, 2012
A time limit mode would be welcome by me. But not that harsh as 30 seconds! Maybe some hours or a couple of days.
Spoon on 11:19, 24. Jun, 2012
Some sort of timeout system should be put into place, I think.
I like Damalycus's idea 2- If game time limit ends, player gets to make moves for his enemy (1-3 moves). Or alternatively, if the time limit is reached, a random card is discarded from you hand and the turn passed to your opponent.
This could be on a reducing timer, so for example, the first timer is 1 week. If that expires, your next card will be auto-discarded in 3 days, then 1 day, 6 hr, etc.

Another idea is to force players to play a turn in their oldest game before being able to play other games (with time limit X, before the forcing is made active).
Mostly I'd just like to hear what andi has to say about this.
Fithz Hood on 11:24, 24. Jun, 2012
Maybe after some times opponent is replaced with MArcomage's A.I:
I'd actually like to have a card like this.
theultramage on 21:51, 24. Jun, 2012
There's an ancient mechanism, all the way back from r206 that I added just for this issue.
It's "finish" and it's mentioned in Victory Types. The timeout is 3 weeks. Is that not good?
PS: that AI thing sounds really interesting at first glance.
Damalycus on 22:10, 24. Jun, 2012
Damalycus wrote:
When you cannot play, let's say a titan victory for collector award ,or resource accumulation snob - then it does suck.
theultramage on 01:12, 25. Jun, 2012
Oh, yeah, true, it has its own scoring mode. Four years ago there were only three victory types with no distinction between them, so the above solution seemed to be good enough :)
Mojko on 06:32, 25. Jun, 2012
After some brief analysis I think it shouldn't really be a problem to add an option to have an AI take over the opponent. This way we could even remove the "Abandon" victory completely.
Mojko on 11:03, 25. Jun, 2012
How it should work? I see 2 options:

1 - after the conditions are satisfied, the AI takes over your opponent permanently

2 - after the conditions are satisfied, the AI takes over your opponent temporarily - only for the duration of one turn

Option 2 is easy to implement, but under current conditions it wouldn't help much - you would have to wait 3 weeks between each opponent's move. Maybe for this specific purpose the time interval should be lowered?
Damalycus on 18:56, 25. Jun, 2012
turn/day after initial 3 weeks?
Spoon on 16:18, 27. Jun, 2012
Damalycus wrote:
turn/day after initial 3 weeks?

Sounds reasonable. You could also let AI take over completely when 1 week has passed after the initial 3 weeks.

EDIT: Maybe we should change the name of this thread. It doesn't seem necessary to be potentially spreading negativity.