
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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huwok on 15:42, 13. Feb, 2012
i think this card should be able to summon rares too. werent all rares supossed to summon ANY card rarity?
Damalycus on 17:27, 13. Feb, 2012
maybe 1 rare like scepter of evolution?
NG_Beholder on 17:43, 13. Feb, 2012
I have no idea why this card was reworked - it was underused, but not underpowered or overpowered by any means. 2 of the best stock+ cards in game - Crypt sentry and Vampire countess, Undead host/Eternal guardian combo, Banshee and Vampire... What was so wrong with that cardset?
wolfheart on 19:33, 13. Feb, 2012
its not in my undead deack
huwok on 19:54, 13. Feb, 2012
in an undead deck its more than useless. its like paying 30b for 10 tower and 10 gems wtf xD
DPsycho on 02:23, 14. Feb, 2012
Yeah, cards like this are more useful in differently-themed decks that don't use the same resource spread. (My Unliving deck, for example, has the Soldier summoning Rare.) Not wanting this in an Undead deck should be apparent, but not the way to judge it.
NG_Beholder on 08:15, 14. Feb, 2012
In non-Undead deck this card was (and still is) extremely vulnerable to Purifying fire, so I had it in my Undead deck. With Vampire countess and standard production you could return its cost in 1 turn, so it wasn't so crucial.
Now this card lost every single advantage it used to have.
nitebite on 01:29, 17. Feb, 2012
At the moment, there are 17 uncommon and 11 common undeads. So you should have normally at least 4 uncommon more likely is 5 uncommon or even 6 in your new hand. There will only be undeads in your hand. No "scrub". The chance to have Undead host is ~25%. Same to corpses behemoth... or the eternal... So dont argue...
Also Necropolis has the keyword, so it will be summoned by other cards (such as the common necromancy)... that's also major difference, so don't call it a "underpowered" card!

NG_Beholder on 06:23, 17. Feb, 2012
But old Necropolis could summon Undead host, Vampire countess, Eternal guardian and Banshee at the same time. What chances does new one have to do the same?
At this moment Necropolis is much like Revolt - maybe its cardset is a bit stronger due to Undead keyword concept, but its rarity and cost are higher, and resource gain is lower. And ability to summon Necropolist with Necromancy, Crypt, Lich or Necromancer doesn't worth random Undead cardset.
huwok on 18:50, 11. Jun, 2012
could we at least remove the undead keyword? i dont like wasting one expensive necromancy amplifier or a necromancer for this card :)
Damalycus on 19:56, 11. Jun, 2012
Agreed. Similar full hand cards do not have keywords.