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Myschly on 17:08, 24. Apr, 2009
Another Keyword-name than Token could be good to avoid confusion, dunno what tho', anyways.

The general idea is that these cards help along with token-counting. So let's say I've got 2 Brigands, 2 Unliving, and 2 Tokens in my hand. If I play one of my Brigand-cards, the 2 tokens get counted as Brigands as well (adding 7 tokens each to the Brigand-pile). That's their passive ability, they can morph into any Keyword in the "token-count" (maybe count in on a "# of X cards", if that isn't too overpowered).

Their Active-ability exists only if they have one, i.e. "Mode 1: Token is counted as a Mage card. Mode 2: Token is counted as an Alliance card."
Or maybe "If you have 5 or more cards with a keyword in hand, Token will count as that keyword".

What do you think? (remember, another word than Token would be preferable)
DPsycho on 17:44, 24. Apr, 2009
This reminds me of an idea I had before the token system was implemented.

Keyword: Chromatic

Effect: A Chromatic card in hand counts as every existing keyword for the purposes of counting. No effect when played.

Such a card would add tokens when other keywords are played as well as count toward totals for other cards. It would count as both a Holy and Unliving for Crystal golem, for example. It would also count against you when your opponent plays a card that depends on your keywords. For example, it counts as Undead when your opponent plays Holy and could be turned to ashes, and it counts as Unliving if your opponent plays Elementalist. Playing the card does NOT mimic any effects, so it does NOT act as Swift, Quick, or Durable.

I had envisioned this keyword only existing on one or two cards total, making it a rarity like Flare attack. Actually playing a card with the keyword would be a rarity as having it on hand is what makes it useful, all at the expense of a card slot (or two).

Prismatic stone (Uncommon)
Cost: 1 each
+2 to gems

I decided against proposing this keyword when Rainbow Dragon was added as the two together would be insanely powerful. Now with the keyword system in place, there would be more incentive to play such a card as it could add tokens to more than one keyword rather cheaply. If such a thing were to be implemented now, I'd retool the Prismatic stone to cost 3 of each resource. The Rainbow Dragon balancing problem would still remain.
Myschly on 19:14, 24. Apr, 2009
Very interesting. I think a mash-up of the two (Chromatic would be a better name, as it would be less confusing) could be good.

What do you think Mojko? :)
Endovior on 20:48, 24. Apr, 2009
I approve. It's an interesting and worthwhile mechanic; all it needs are cards to go with it.
Myschly on 23:57, 24. Apr, 2009
Some _rough ideas_ for Keyword Chromatic/Token-cards (I'll call it X in these examples):

Mirror of life (Uncommon) - 6BGR
X, Holy, Alliance
Tower +N
Wall +2N
Mode 1: Next card received will be a Holy card, N = # of Holy cards in game + # of Keywords in enemy hand
Mode 2: Next card received will be an Alliance card, N = # of Alliance cards in game + # of Keywords in enemy hand

Cheap token (Common) - 0
X, Quick
Stock -2

Hoax (Common) - 1BGR
If last card played by opponent was a common card, reverse damage dealt last turn (up to N)
Bricks: -2
N = # of Keywords in your hand (max 8)

Impostor (Rare) - 12BGR
Discards a random non-common card in enemy hand of chosen Keyword
If none found, discard all common cards with chosen Keyword from enemy hand
Gain 100 tokens from each Keyword of the discarded card(s)
Mode 1: Alliance
Mode 2: Barbarian
Mode 3: Brigand
Mode 4: Beast
Mode 5: Burning
Mode 6: Mage
Mode 7: Soldier
Mode 8: Unliving

Keepsake (Uncommon) - 4BGR
X, Brigand, Soldier
No effect if New
N = #of Keepsake in players hand
Mode 1: If there is a Keepsake in enemy hand, next card received will be a non-common card from players deck
Mode 2: If N>2, next card received will be a non-common Brigand card from players deck
Mode 3: If N>2, next card received will be a non-common Soldier card from players deck

Rainbow hunters (Uncommon) - 13G
X, Alliance
If # of Keywords in players hand <2 (not counting this one), next card received will be Rainbow Dragon
Production X2
Mojko on 16:24, 2. May, 2009
Interesting indeed, however, I think there may be some problems with implementation. Currently keyword effects and card effects are independent. If I understand correctly, in some situations we would need these effects to cooperate.
Myschly on 18:57, 18. May, 2009
I really want this idea to go through, and if that means some of my card-effects go lost, then that's no problem. I just really like the idea of a keyword that gives tokens to all other keywords, working well as a passive card.

The simplest effect of the keyword: If you have a 2 Alliance cards and 1 X-Keyword card, it counts as 3 Alliance.

Dunno if it needs much more than that. Preferably the cards should be bad to play in that case, which would make it a weak keyword.
Burninator on 18:39, 28. Oct, 2009
It would be interesting to have a new keyword like "shadow" or something that didn't have tokens of its own, but rather counted as every other keyword when it came to card effects and/or token counting.

The common cards would likely do very little and the uncommons would likely cost a bit more to balance out such an ability.
Progressor on 18:43, 28. Oct, 2009
This concept exist, look in older forum threads.
Myschly on 19:43, 3. Nov, 2009
So does this mean Token/Chromatic/Shadow (not a bad name) is being considered? Or is it still dead/in limbo? :P
Mojko on 20:38, 3. Nov, 2009
Anything that hasn't been rejected, may be implemented.