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Glizorkulblorkul on 21:26, 2. Feb, 2012
Should not Undead's token proc be specific and targeted towards Holy, as Holy's is towards undead? ala Magic the Gathering, White vs Black? For Undead's proc to give resources doesn't seem right. Soldier token proc already gives resources back, as well as some other token procs. IMO Undead's proc should target holy decks as holy decks targets undeads and are the biggest obstacle for undead decks. Agree/Disagree?
Lord_Earthfire on 21:37, 2. Feb, 2012
I disagree, mainly because the undead keyword effect affects undead decks the best way they can. Undead decks need many recources, and because of this this keyword effect, with the undead support cards, fits to the undead cards at best.

So, a change on the keyword to become a holy-counter would be a big nerf to undead and just unneeded.

The holy keyword effect is, in my oppinion, just a nerf for undead decks and nothing more, since these tokens can be easily achieved and with this you can splash a few holy cards in a defensive deck to make it undead proof.

Because holy cards itself are strong enough and got enough support cards, i say that a change of this keyword would be overpowering for both undead and holy, currently, they have a balance.

All in all, don't change the token effects, they are fine as they are.

Edit: lore-wise, making undead a counter for holy is not logical at all, because the undead does simply not care about holy being, they cannot decide at all, while holy beings are fanatical focused on destroying all unsacred, in the foreground the undead. The undead only cares how it grows its army more stronger, so their keyword, as it is currently, is more logical than a holy-counter.
huwok on 21:49, 2. Feb, 2012
ive always thought that undead cards should give more tokens. i think 5/5 its too little and its not that undead keyword helps THAT much in gatherig resources. i mean only one third of total cost? why not raising a little the tokens gain? like 15 main 5 bonus or so or giving back one half the cost of played cards?
DPsycho on 23:13, 2. Feb, 2012
I agree with both Lord_Earthfire and huwok on this one. I would add that Holy is an oddity in that it's a Token keyword that doesn't depend on its Token effect. All the best Holy cards have effects based on the number in hand, making setting the Holy keyword almost optional. Which is good, seeing as the Token effect is wasted more often than not.
Glizorkulblorkul on 10:56, 3. Feb, 2012
Lord_Earthfire wrote:

Edit: lore-wise, making undead a counter for holy is not logical at all, because the undead does simply not care about holy being, they cannot decide at all, while holy beings are fanatical focused on destroying all unsacred, in the foreground the undead. The undead only cares how it grows its army more stronger, so their keyword, as it is currently, is more logical than a holy-counter.

Certainly a zombie will be less mindful about regaining arbitrary resources than slaughtering someone who considers him an archenemy?
Lord_Earthfire on 12:59, 3. Feb, 2012
Its not the zombie that cares, its just the pieces it leaves which can be used again ;)