
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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Fithz Hood on 22:59, 28. Apr, 2011
If you set the advance filter looking for discarding card you found also Farm and Vulture (probably because they have the word "DISCARDed" in their texts).
So Shadow wolf could also discard those two cards.
Mojko on 06:45, 29. Apr, 2011
Shadow wolf actually uses the same deck filters to process cards as are used in the deck section. So it's impossible for shadow wolf not to target cards that can be seen in the deck section with matching filter.
HivedOne on 11:38, 29. Apr, 2011
Is it possible to change those two cards, so the filter won't "catch them"?! This could be a solution to this problem...
Mojko on 12:40, 29. Apr, 2011
It's based on simple substring search. If we rephrase the card text in a way that they won't contain the search text, they will be ignored by both deck filter and Shadow wolf (or any other card that uses similar effect).
EricHerboso on 14:16, 29. Apr, 2011
Some cards say "discard all cards" while others say "discards certain card". If you rephrase all discarding cards to say: "discards whatever", then you can use "discards" as the search phrase, which will not pick up on Farm/Vulture's "was discarded".

Is there any discarding card that cannot be rephrased to use "discards" instead of "discard"?
dimitris on 14:22, 29. Apr, 2011
Invaders and Militia use "DISCARDed".
HivedOne on 21:09, 29. Apr, 2011
A non-elegant option would be, to write it in those cards with a dash... like dis-carded... at least, the filter should not find it then... What about capital letters? Searching specific cards without capital letters at the beginning doesn't give any result... when it is written Discarded? Would this be a solution??

Using a different word (such as "removed") would probably confuse players, i think.
BoneTrash on 01:17, 30. Apr, 2011
maybe you could just add an extra criteria for the search?
such as when it finds the substring "discard", it then checks (for example) for the substring "was". Or any similar fashion
DPsycho on 01:24, 30. Apr, 2011
The best solution would be to assign invisible flags to the cards to specifically outline their support roles. This, of course, is also the most time-consuming solution...
dimitris on 09:54, 30. Apr, 2011
The best and more concrete solution is what DPsycho says. This will be future proof also. But it requires time and work.

A quick and temporary workaround is to hard-code these two cards (Farm and Vulture) in order to be excluded from the filter :P
Mojko on 10:44, 30. Apr, 2011
After more detailed analysis it seems there are much more inconsistencies that we thought. I will be working on fixing this.
Mojko on 14:26, 30. Apr, 2011
Fixed in r1565.
dimitris on 15:59, 30. Apr, 2011

OK, now Invaders and Militia have become "Discard a card from hand" but this implies that the card chooses which other card to discard. I think it would be better this way: "Select an extra card from hand to discard".

2) Emissary of the Afterlife is also a discarding/replacing card which should be targeted by Shadow Wolf, but now it isn't returned by the advanced filter.
Mojko on 16:06, 30. Apr, 2011
Emissary of the Afterlife is a replacing card and it's selectable by the advanced filter.

Cards like Invaders and Militia have modes, so it's implied that you can choose which card.
dimitris on 16:09, 30. Apr, 2011
Oh, now I've seen Emissary... sorry :|