
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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DPsycho on 19:13, 18. Jan, 2009
Corrosion Cloud reads that it will discard an unliving card with lowest cost, but just now a Petrified minotaur was discarded rather than a Titan's right arm. The first has a cost of 7b5r and the other only 7b. Should the card read that it discards one with the lowest "brick" cost rather than total cost, or was this, in fact, an error?
Mojko on 19:49, 18. Jan, 2009
Only bricks cost matters. If they have same bricks cost the discarded card is chosen randomly.
DPsycho on 19:54, 18. Jan, 2009
That's what I figured. Could the card text be changed then to reflect that?
Mojko on 19:56, 18. Jan, 2009
Yeah, sure. "with lowest cost" -> "with lowest bricks cost".
tom on 01:56, 13. Feb, 2009
corrosion cloud just discarded water elemental from my opponent's hand which had a bunch of bricks cost unliving cards in it including stone golen, titan's left arm, etc. ie, cards which cost LESS than water elemental. ??? i assume this is because it costs the fewest bricks, but that is not what the card is supposed to do, as written.
Endovior on 04:11, 13. Feb, 2009
Technically, Water Elemental costs ZERO bricks, which is indeed less bricks cost. It's also a rare card, and thus more valuable a target. I approve of this behavior.
tom on 11:46, 13. Feb, 2009

From the actual card:

Discards an Unliving card with LOWEST COST from enemy hand
Opponent loses bricks cost of the discarded card.

either the card should be fixed or the wording should be changed. The card's rarity has so little to do with the problem. the only qualifier on the card is that the card should be lowest cost, and it currently does NOT work that way.
MaskedHalfling on 20:46, 13. Feb, 2009
It is working correctly. Water Elemental is a Unliving card with a cost of zero bricks, zero recruits, and 19 gems. So it counts for Corrosive Cloud.
DPsycho on 00:03, 14. Feb, 2009
There is an existing thread in the Support section discussing the unclear card text. Its effect does not match its description.
Mojko on 19:25, 14. Feb, 2009
Please look around forum if there isn't already a thread that relates to your topic, before actually creating new thread.

I believe you will find answers to your questions in this thread.

(I merged the two threads)

Thx for notification DPsycho ;)