
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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dimitris on 10:42, 25. Oct, 2010
OK, it will probably look better in Firefox (rounded corners) :P I'll wait to see it live :)

EDIT: I think the double border is more obvious.
Lord Ornlu on 15:25, 25. Oct, 2010
I would prefer a more definite border

EDIT: Also if it's possible, move the Play button to the centre, where Discard button is, and move the Discard button somewhere to the side, as this would reduce accidents (one just happened :P )
dindon on 16:23, 25. Oct, 2010
So far I'm liking the new design. Huge, huge improvement over the rollbacked design, and I think once I get used to it, I'll like it more than the classic way. Clicking on the cards, and having their opacity change depending on playability, feels really nice, and maybe a bit more modern than the old way. I for one welcome our javascript overlords.
Zard0z on 16:59, 25. Oct, 2010
I want buttons back too. Can it be opt-out-able please?
dimitris on 17:19, 25. Oct, 2010
Well I'm going to be the bad guy and criticise again :P

Though the new fade in/fade out of the not playable cards is really good, I didn't thought that preview would be that way. I thought that values for preview would be displayed in-game. Of course only numeric values would be previewed, not tower/wall images. Anyway it's good as it is now, but I don't think that I will use it often, maybe in extreme cases for safety, like when I want to play Prosperity or Greed is Good and both players have almost same stock.
Shimas on 17:32, 25. Oct, 2010
I like the new system. It is very convenient, that the cards you can not use are shaded out.
Mojko on 18:30, 25. Oct, 2010
dimitris wrote:
I thought that values for preview would be displayed in-game

It would be much more difficult to do it that way, however that is not the main reason why I didn't implement it so. Currently you get a short information message about the changes. Would it be more convenient to have the changes scattered throughout the screen? Not to mention that it would probably overlap with standard game information.
DPsycho on 18:33, 25. Oct, 2010
Is there supposed to be a border or any kind of indication of which card I've clicked? I'm using Chrome, and all it does is fade in the buttons.
DPsycho on 18:36, 25. Oct, 2010
I see now, too, that if I select a card and then mouse over another, it will fade if it cannot be played. Why does this happen with a mouseover and not otherwise?
Fithz Hood on 18:36, 25. Oct, 2010
I'm using chrome too and I have the border. try a newer version mayebe.
DPsycho on 18:37, 25. Oct, 2010
It's entirely up to date. I wouldn't be posting about it otherwise.
Fithz Hood on 18:41, 25. Oct, 2010
from your description it seems the interface used yesterday. have u it F5? probably yes
DPsycho on 18:41, 25. Oct, 2010
Alright, I changed game settings and then set them back again, and now I have a subtle border. Cards still don't fade unless moused-over, though.

Edit: Yes, I'd already pressed F5 several times. ;)
Mojko on 18:43, 25. Oct, 2010
I tested it under Chrome and it worked fine. When you select a card, the card's border should turn into double black border. Cards that can't be played are partially visible and when you hover over them with mouse, they are turned to 100% visible.
vault on 18:50, 25. Oct, 2010
I haven't any change if I select a card, no border, no "push" effect, only opacity change on play/discard/preview buttons.
I have the newest Firefox. So it's very bad.
Overall I must say the old concept was much better for me, it was lucid and fast, now I must on each turn click twice, it's annoying.
Mojko on 18:52, 25. Oct, 2010
Did you refreshed your cache after the update (push F5 once)? I tested it in Firefix both fade effects and border work.
dimitris on 18:53, 25. Oct, 2010
I have latest FF too and it plays well. I guess black border isn't really visible in themes with black background (like mine)
vault on 18:56, 25. Oct, 2010
I think the black border is also inside the card (as it was on the picture and as I see it in IE) so it can't be absolutely invisible ;) but in FF nothing (of course, I refreshed)
Mojko on 18:59, 25. Oct, 2010
Please post some screenshots.
vault on 19:19, 25. Oct, 2010
I tried it on another computer, same browser, same result. Here are screenshots before and after selecting but I don't know how it can help...