
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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Alliance 1

Basic gain 17, bonus gain 3, Arcane knowledge - additional Production x2.

Aqua 2

High tide - if an Aqua card is played after playing a different, non-common Aqua card, it raises your tower and wall by 3, opponent's stock is reduced by 3.

Barbarian 3

Basic gain 4, bonus gain 15, Devastation - enemy wall will be additionally lowered by amount based on played card rarity (Common - 3 , Uncommon - 8, Rare - 15). If there is no wall to destroy, enemy stock will be lowered by half the amount instead.

Beast 4

Basic gain 5, bonus gain 7, Breeding - doubles recruits production and opponent receives bonus damage based on recruits production (max N, N based on played card rarity (Common - 2, Uncommon - 5, Rare - 10)).

Brigand 5

Basic gain 10, bonus gain 10, Robbery - additional stock will be stolen from opponent, amount based on played card rarity (Common - 1 stock, Uncommon - 2 stock, Rare - 3 stock).

Burning 6

Basic gain 3, bonus gain 6, Fire blast - replace highest rarity non-Burning card from opponent's hand of the same or lower rarity as the played card with Searing fire.

Demonic 7

Wicked soul - player suffers one random penalty chosen from played card cost (Bricks - lose N random resources, Gems - N tower damage, Recruits - N wall damage), N based on played card's rarity (Common - 2 , Uncommon - 3, Rare - 4).

Destruction 8

Dark fury - if a Destruction card is played after playing a different non-common Destruction card, it reduces enemy's highest facility by 1 when it is greater than 3, otherwise it reduces opponent's highest resource by 6.

Dragon 9

Ancient legacy - if there is another Dragon in hand, summons Dragon egg (if there is no Dragon egg card in hand) or Gems production x2 (if there already is a Dragon egg card in hand).

Holy 10

Basic gain 25, bonus gain 5, Holy song - gain random resources based on played card rarity (Common - 1, Uncommon - 2, Rare - 5). Replace highest rarity Demonic or Undead card from opponent's hand of the same or lower rarity as the played card with Pile of ashes.

Illusion 11

Suggestion - if an Illusion card is played after playing a different non-common Illusion card, lowest rarity card in hand is replaced with a rare card from opponent's deck.

Legend 12

Forgotten power - if there is a rare card in hand (other than played card), raises lowest facility by one.

Mage 13

Basic gain 10, bonus gain 3, Willpower - if (Magic - Enemy magic < 2) Magic: +1 else Gems: +10

Nature 14

Overgrowth - if a Nature card is played after playing a different non-common Nature card, summons a rare Nature card.

Restoration 15

Countermeasures - if opponent lowered your stock last round, your lowest resource is raised based on played card rarity (C-3, U-6, R-9). If opponent lowered your facilities last round you gain 1 of your lowest facility if it's less than N, N is based on played card rarity (C-2, U-3, R-4).

Runic 16

Reconstruction - if Tower or Wall was damaged during opponent's last round, Tower or Wall is raised based on played card rarity (C-2, U-5, R-10). Tower or Wall increase can't exceed the damage which was inflicted on Tower or Wall.

Soldier 17

Basic gain 15, bonus gain 10, Veteran troops - half of the recruits cost of the played card will be returned.

Titan 18

Basic gain 19, bonus gain 5, Titan's will - summons a Titan not present in hand.

Undead 19

Basic gain 5, bonus gain 5, Eternal servitude - a part of the total cost of the played card will be returned. Returned amount is based on number of different resources present in the card cost (3 - third, 2 - half, 1 - two thirds).

Unliving 20

Basic gain 9, bonus gain 8, Artificial workers - additional bricks production based on played card rarity (Common - x2, Uncommon - x3, Rare - x4).

Durable 21

Card stays in hand.

Quick 22

Player gets an additional turn, but no production this turn. It is impossible to draw a rare card after a Quick card is played.

Swift 23

Player gets additional turn, also with production. It is impossible to draw a rare card after a Swift card is played.

Far sight 24

If matching card in opponent's hand is revealed, effect based on matching card cost and played card rarity (bricks only cost - raise tower (C - 2, U - 6, R - 18), gems only cost - raise lowest token counter (C - 10, U - 30, R - 90), recruits only cost - raise wall (C - 3, U - 9, R - 27), mixed cost - raise stock (C - 1, U - 3, R - 9), zero cost - no effect). After optional effect opponent's cards are revealed based on played card rarity (C - matching card and its adjacent cards, U - matching card and its adjacent cards and their adjacent cards, R - whole hand). Optional effect will always trigger in a game with disabled Hidden cards mode.

Banish 25

Discard highest rarity Durable, Persistent or Rebirth card from opponent's hand. Common cards can target common and uncommon cards, uncommon cards can target any rarity. Rare cards replace target card with a common zero cost card instead of discarding it.

Skirmisher 26

Harass - discard highest rarity Charge from opponent's hand. Common cards can target common and uncommon cards, uncommon and rare cards can target any rarity. Rare cards replace target card with a common zero cost card instead of discarding it. If there are no Charge cards in opponent's hand, highest rarity Recruits only attack card of the same or lower rarity as the played card is chosen instead.

Horde 27

Fear - if played card is adjacent to a Horde card and recruits cost of the played card is greater than recruits cost of the matching card replace equal or lower rarity matching card with Palisade.

Rebirth 28

If #Burning + #Demonic + #Legend + #Mage in hand is greater than 3, the card stays in hand and half of the gems cost of the played card will be returned.

Flare blitz 29

Replace up to N lowest rarity non- cards in each player's hand with Searing fire, N based on played card rarity (Common - 1, Uncommon - 2, Rare - 4).

Frenzy 30

Rage blast - if played card is adjacent to a Frenzy card, opponent receives bonus damage (recruits cost of the played card * N/3, N based on played card rarity (Common - 1, Uncommon - 2, Rare - 3)).

Aria 31

Wind of change - if Round is divisible by 5, discards N lowest cost common cards from hand, N based on played card rarity (C-1, U-2, R-4).

Enduring 32

When card has this keyword, it also has a number next to this keyword. When card is played and the last card played was same as this one, opponent will suffer additional damage equal to number next to Enduring.

Charge 33

When card has this keyword, it also has a number next to this keyword. When card is played and the opponent's wall (after the standard attack) is 0, he will receive additional damage equal to number next to charge, otherwise you gain random resources equal to half of the number next to charge keyword.

Siege 34

Demolition - if played card damages opponent's Tower or Wall and opponent raised his Tower or Wall last round, he suffers additional damage to Tower or Wall based on played card rarity (C-1, U-2, R-5) for Tower and (C-2, U-4, R-10) for Wall. The additional damage can't exceed the Tower or Wall increase.

Cursed 35

If a card with this keyword is discarded, it will be returned to its former position.

Forbidden 36

Card with this keyword can't be used in deck building.