Basic gain 9, bonus gain 8, Artificial workers - additional bricks production based on played card rarity (Common - x2, Uncommon - x3, Rare - x4).
Artificial soldiers that lack free will or the concepts of mercy or morale are the dwarven answer to the dreaded undead hordes. Golems are expendable and perform better in battle than dozens of dwarves. They are created and controlled by the golem masters - rune mages who are specialized in manipulation and animation runes. Even if golem is defeated, its material can be reused to built antoher golem making them one of the most cost-efficient soldiers.
$b_prod = ['Common' => 2, 'Uncommon' => 3, 'Rare' => 4]; $t->production()->multiplyBricks($b_prod[$t->card()->getRarity()]);