
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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Keywords > Charge




When card has this keyword, it also has a number next to this keyword. When card is played and the opponent's wall (after the standard attack) is 0, he will receive additional damage equal to number next to charge, otherwise you gain random resources equal to half of the number next to charge keyword.


Some creatures are able to attack with such force and speed that they are able to stomp their enemies to the ground without the need to fight them with regular weapons. Heavy fortifications are the only defenses that can hold them at bay, without them the defenders are open to plundering by the aggressor.


    $charge_damage = $this->keywordValue($t->card()->getData('Keywords'), 'Charge');
    if ($t->hisData()->Wall <= 0) {
    else {
      $t->myData()->addRandomResources(round($charge_damage / 2));