
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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Keywords > Beast




Basic gain 5, bonus gain 7, Breeding - doubles recruits production and opponent receives bonus damage based on recruits production (max N, N based on played card rarity (Common - 2, Uncommon - 5, Rare - 10)).


Wild beasts usually operate in pacts and are known for their ferocity. Several factions were able to tame some beast and incorporated them into their armies. Beasts are able to perform many different roles such as mounts, unmounted cavalry or frontline soldiers.

Agility and nimbleness of a beast greatly surpasses human limitations. Armed with claws, teeth and killer instinct, bred in great numbers, the beasts are cheaper and more expendable than regular soldiers.


    $caps = ['Common' => 2, 'Uncommon' => 5, 'Rare' => 10];
    $cap = $caps[$t->card()->getRarity()];
    $t->hisData()->attack(min($t->myData()->Dungeons * $t->production()->recruits(), $cap));