
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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Keywords > Barbarian




Basic gain 4, bonus gain 15, Devastation - enemy wall will be additionally lowered by amount based on played card rarity (Common - 3 , Uncommon - 8, Rare - 15). If there is no wall to destroy, enemy stock will be lowered by half the amount instead.


Barbarians live in nomadic tribes that specialize in plundering villages and small towns. Though they are mostly unorganized, sometimes they form temporary alliances and share spoils of war. When facing a powerful enemy, the tribes often choose a warlord to lead them as a single unstoppable horde.

Barbarians are able to raze fortifications to the ground and burn down buildings with deadly efficiency, plundering enemy resources in the process.


    $damage = ['Common' => 3, 'Uncommon' => 8, 'Rare' => 15];
    if ($t->hisData()->Wall <= 0) {
      $penalty = round($damage[$t->card()->getRarity()] / 2);
    else {