
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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Keywords > Alliance




Basic gain 17, bonus gain 3, Arcane knowledge - additional Production x2.


Alliance consists of many elven tribes that live mostly as nomads. Tribes have distinct traits, such as weapon skills, magic abilities and also they worship different deities. Each tribe has a keeper who functions as a leader and also performs spiritual services for the tribe. Some tribes have abandoned nomadic way of life, built cities and settled down. Elven tribes as a whole are ruled by the elven lord. The tribal keepers perform a sacred ritual every twenty years. Being a test of skill, this ritual will decide which one of the keepers will become the next elven lord for the upcoming ruling period. Ancient forest creatures guard elven lands, but at the time of need they can be summoned to bolster elven army.

Alliance has the ability to produce resources very effectively. Elves are skilled in swordsmanship, archery and support magic. Large forest creatures fulfill the role of living siege machines. With the abundance of resources, the Alliance is always eager to trade and cooperate with other factions.

