
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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FilipeSilva on 21:05, 11. Apr, 2010
Mojko wrote:
What I wanted to add was a new keyword - "Far sight". A card with this keyword would reveal some card(s) in opponent hand under some conditions. I have multiple variations of its effect, but I would like to hear some of your opinions first ;-)

Please suggest ideas what the keyword should do and which cards should have the keyword.

I think its obvious that Lighthouse and Oracle are the current 2 cards at would gain that keyword.

Maybe that keyword could have a token and trigger to reveal all opponent cards or all the Lighthouse effect.

If thinking in a keyword with no token I would make it like
Reveal only opposite card = Far sight (1)
All opponent cards = Lighthouse reveal effect = Far sight (8)
opposite cards and first neighboring = Far sight (3)
opposite cards and first and second neighboring = Far sight (5)

Oracle would be

Far sight (1)
If revealed card has keyword
Reveals neigbouring cards = Far sight (3)

Lord Ornlu on 00:29, 12. Apr, 2010
Perhaps use a tokens system, and if when counter reaches 100 the card played is common, then reveal only opposite card, if it's uncommon then reveal opposite and neighbouring cards, if it's rare then reveal all of opponent's cards.
The tokens:
a) if they are only applied on current cards that reveal cards, then to be filled up easily (e.g: +90 basic gain, +10 bonus gain - so if you have a second Far Sight card in hand, make the counter reach 100 instantly)
b) be applied to all +tower cards (or perhaps only a few that give over +5 tower) and be filled slowly (e.g. +20 basic gain, +10 bonus gain)
jbryant3 on 17:42, 19. Apr, 2010
I like Lord Ornlu's suggestion, but I think it should be its own separate keyword. That way you don't have to sacrifice a keyword slot just for this. Additionally, cards like Oracle and Lighthouse should be modified to be useful in non-hidden games. That allows flexibility in deck-building and the option to play the same deck in multiple settings.
Razorhelm on 13:12, 17. May, 2010
How about "If opponent lowered your stock last round, reveals all new cards in opponent's deck"
dimitris on 13:55, 22. Jun, 2010
Up to now I find the new "far sight" keyword to be somewhat more powerful than it should be, at least in the "hidden game" mode.

Maybe it needs some rebalancing by removing the secondary effect in hidden game mode or reducing the number of cards that are revealed.
Progressor on 19:55, 22. Jun, 2010
I think it's pretty strong in general since, unless you're playing against a 0-cost deck, you pretty much get keyword-effect every time you play it.
I think it needs a condition.
dindon on 21:14, 22. Jun, 2010
I don't think it's really overpowered. However it was added to a few cards that were already really powerful, thus perhaps tipping the scales.
Lord Ornlu on 03:24, 23. Jun, 2010
I think it's quite a nice concept and not overly powerful. Maybe reduce the secondary side effect scale a little and it would be just fine
Myschly on 11:06, 23. Jun, 2010
Ok I've been playing my Far sight deck a bit, and let me tell you. It's not too powerful. I mean in hidden games it's really frustrating, because you have to keep on revealing them to get the effects, and even then it's really difficult to get the effect you want. Meeting a tower-destroy deck? Well of course, every single brick-cost card you find, you don't get far sight cards to meet it, and when you do, he plays that card! It's a really fun keyword, but it is by no means easy in hidden games.

Also, don't underestimate the fact that yeah, recruits & bricks only is great against an offensive deck, and for tower victory, but because of Murphys law, you'll mostly get gem & mixed cost.

I really enjoy the keyword as it is now, but I don't think it's overpowered at all.
Olegg on 10:45, 24. Jun, 2010
I think token rising should be replaced by something else.

What is your opinion about:
if matching card in opponent's hand is revealed, effect based on matching card cost and played card rarity (bricks only cost - raise bricks, gems only cost - raise gems, recruits only cost - raise recruits, mixed cost - raise stock, zero cost - no effect).
Myschly on 14:48, 24. Jun, 2010
Nah, I really like the fact that it's a sort of random multi-pronged strategy. Or what am I saying I like it, I love it! It's dynamic and interesting!

However, I'm getting really annoyed at it sometimes. I think the effect should take place, and it doesn't, and I'm not sure if it's a bug or what.

When I play visible cards (not hidden cards) mode, when will it not trigger? Is it if the card I played is say uncommon and the matching card is rare? I've gotten a few times now that I've thought about screen-shooting, but I figured I'll learn it sooner or later. I think the text could perhaps be simplified.

Gems only-ability is fine, you just have to adapt your deck to it. I took away all tokens except Alliance in my Far sight-deck, so gems-only ability boosts my resources greatly.
Mojko on 15:09, 24. Jun, 2010
This was actually the idea behind Far sight - to make it work with many different deck strategies. Please give it some more time to experiment with this new keyword ;-)

Btw Far sight optional effect should always trigger in a non-hidden game.
andi on 09:24, 28. Dec, 2011
I don't know if that has come up yet, but there seem to be some bug in the far sight trigger effect.

In this turn I play Far sight card (Sea Gate), the opponent card was revealed to me (Exiled).
I anticipated to get +wall bonus, but instead, I receive +tower.
I couldn't understand it, since it was hidden game and I could not see the card which was replacing Exiled. In the replay I realized it was a bricks only card, hence the +tower bonus.
But is this intended to work like that? Means in such cases I could get a hint on what the hidden card is due to the bonus I receive for far sight :)
Mojko on 10:00, 28. Dec, 2011
It's working as intended. Card effect discarded the Exiled and when Far sight keyword was executed matching card was already a bricks only card. If there is an issue with this card, then it's card design, not implementation issue. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to assign Far sight to a discard effect card.