Mojko wrote:
What I wanted to add was a new keyword - "Far sight". A card with this keyword would reveal some card(s) in opponent hand under some conditions. I have multiple variations of its effect, but I would like to hear some of your opinions first ;-)
Please suggest ideas what the keyword should do and which cards should have the keyword.
I think its obvious that Lighthouse and Oracle are the current 2 cards at would gain that keyword.
Maybe that keyword could have a token and trigger to reveal all opponent cards or all the Lighthouse effect.
If thinking in a keyword with no token I would make it like
Reveal only opposite card = Far sight (1)
All opponent cards = Lighthouse reveal effect = Far sight (8)
opposite cards and first neighboring = Far sight (3)
opposite cards and first and second neighboring = Far sight (5)
Oracle would be
Far sight (1)
If revealed card has keyword
Reveals neigbouring cards = Far sight (3)