All right, time clear things up ;-)
The concept section was intended for any card ideas. It is up to me to filter out the best of them and adjust them as needed. Trust me, to make a good card, which is not overpowered, has nice picture with matching name is a very difficult task. We can't seriously expect people to make such concepts (it would be convenient though ;)).
If you compare some card ideas given by plyers, that were implemented, to their final form, you would see that some cards were changed enormously. Why did I even bother to reference the card suggestion in this case? Because it gave me inspiration.
So almost every card concept is welcome. Of course there are some that I already rejected, I think 3 or so.
What I definitely must do, is to write a template for a card to game manual. This will contain instructions what a card effect can do and what variables (Round, Tower, Wall...) are available. This way we could prevent concepts that are not implementable.
If you suggest a card that I say is unimplementable, please rethink it over and do not ask me to implement is as an exception in the system, nor to "emulate" the effect. MArcomage is a simple card game (compared to MTG for example) that has it's limits. Please keep that in mind.
Card design section is not completed yet I'm planning following:
- expand concept states
Add more states to allow me to distinguish the cards and use state filter properly. Right now we have only 3 states (waiting, rejected and implemented). I want to add "interesting", "picked for implementation" (maybe some more).
- add comments somehow
Either create a new forum section "Card concepts" and each concept will have the option to start a separate discussion in this section via shortcut button from concepts section or implement a comment system in concepts section.
- concept rating - this is a tricky one
If we want something simple for example each player can assign a grade (1 to 5 for example) it is quite not a problem to implement. If we want to ensure that each player can vote only once, it gets complicated (ammount of storage requirements increses). If we want something complicated like rating system in blogs that compute the user vote value from the facts how other users see the current user, then it will be very complicated.
- optimize layout
Show onlt data that is necessary, i.e. remove unneeded, add what is interesting.