
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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celticfrost on 22:14, 19. Mar, 2010
Doesn't draw uncommons when targeted on itself
Progressor on 22:23, 19. Mar, 2010
Which is logical, since once you play it it's no longer on that position.
celticfrost on 22:33, 19. Mar, 2010
so where is the discarded card then? %)
Progressor on 22:43, 19. Mar, 2010
It's not displayed due to the method used to determine the discarded cards visible. It's determined by the cards on hand before vs after playing the card.
celticfrost on 22:52, 19. Mar, 2010
Well, in fact, I understand there is pretty logical explanation of the way it acts there. I assume there also should be pretty logical explanation of this way in a card description.
Mojko on 08:50, 20. Mar, 2010
Actually, you are both incorrect.

If you look at the code, Veteran militia doesn't have any exceptions (for the case it targets itself) implemented. Additionally, it isn't true that played card is no longer present in hand when played, because it is. Some card effects may ignore the card at the played card position (Moon shrine for example), but by default this card is present. For example when counting keywords, the played card is also counted.

Why doesn't the Veteran militia work in this case then? It's because the standard draw overrides the card effect. What really happens is that Veteran militia really draws an uncommon card, but then standard draw puts a new card in place of it.

Standard draw is manipulated via the $nextcard variable. Cards that effect the standard draw (like summoning cards, Scepter of summoning for example) pass the summoned card to this variable. Some cards disable the standard draw (Architectural improvement for example). This is done by assigning zero to $nextcard. ($nextcard = 0).

Summary (order of card actions):

1 - card effect
2 - keyword effect (will override card effect in case of conflict)
3 - standard draw (will override keyword effect or card effect in case of conflict while not disabled by $nextcard = 0), also when a non-zero value (valid card ID) is assigned to the $nextcard, this card will be selected as the nextcard (this is a method for card effects and keyword effects to control the standard draw).

This concludes card action tutorial :) I hope you understand the situation now ;-)

celticfrost on 19:57, 20. Mar, 2010
Too obscure. I'd like it to draw uncommons or description to be changed. Simply put it promises to draw uncommon and then doesn't
Mojko on 20:19, 20. Mar, 2010
I don't think it's necessary, since it's even explained in the FAQ Q12.
tom on 01:34, 21. Mar, 2010
i agree with celticfrost. it's annoying and confusing.
Mojko on 07:58, 21. Mar, 2010
When you target the position of a played card, different rules apply and it's not just this card. There are many cards that use these special rules. I'm not going to add extra description on each such card when this rule is clearly described in the FAQ.
Progressor on 16:00, 21. Mar, 2010
Good thing to realize ^^

Mask of the Phantasm does have the line '(cannot target self)'. From an old forum thread I recall that the only purpose of this line is to indicate you'll get a standard draw if you target itself. Personally I don't need reminders like that once I know the rule, but in this case it's inconsistent.
DPsycho on 16:03, 21. Mar, 2010
My opinion is that it couldn't hurt to alter this card's text. I don't think it's very intuitive as it is now. Maybe just change "select a card" to "select a different card" and no one should expect it works on itself.
Progressor on 16:11, 21. Mar, 2010
Thats a good one.
Chocodile on 19:26, 23. May, 2010
I would like to know what happens when veteran militia selects itself. Does it replace the card that comes after it? It has already been established that veteran militia cannot summon itself, but if I am allowed to select veteran militia as a discard in my hand, what is the result?
Mojko on 19:54, 23. May, 2010
Moved Chocodile's post. Please read above.