
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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DPsycho on 14:22, 15. Mar, 2010
Wow. Interesting new developments. The change to the starting wall height being 25 rather than 20 means that Shrine will no longer be the first card played in every match.
jbryant3 on 14:30, 15. Mar, 2010
Unless we change the Shrine trigger to if the wall is divisible by 5... *hint hint*
Fithz Hood on 14:32, 15. Mar, 2010
A nice update, with card proposed so long ago. I can't remember to have proposed thieves guild... . well, veteran militia is perfect in my nature deck (screw you earthquake). I've forgot that also progressor had proposed the aqua keyword; I'm really glad that a new keyword was implemented. about modification: fortified castle is too strong now
Teferi on 16:33, 15. Mar, 2010
Koschei the Deathless! Very nice! :)
Russian fairytale undead. :)
dindon on 22:11, 15. Mar, 2010
I love the decision to increase the starting wall, even if by a small amount. Also, some of the new cards are pretty neat - Veteran Militia in particular seems like a really cool idea.
Lord_Earthfire on 22:18, 15. Mar, 2010
I would say that the Aqua Keyword is overpowered in comparison with other keywords like the brigand keyword, since this Keyword triggers everytime a aqua Card is played after another one, which can happens a lot, and Brigand Cards need at least 2 Cards to be played in a row to trigger the token-effect, and even then you need a hand full of brigands or a huge amount of them at least, so that the aqua keyword has too less conditions in my opinion. And i don't wanna bring the holy Keyword into this.
Lord Ornlu on 00:50, 16. Mar, 2010
I agree, perhaps a restrain on the effect could be applied. my suggestion is the effect is triggered if last card played was an uncommon Aqua and the card played on current round was a different Aqua card (much like the effects of Nature, Illusion and Restoration keywords)
FilipeSilva on 17:22, 17. Mar, 2010
[Progressor: Removed redundant quotation]

I agree
Xenogeist on 19:09, 17. Mar, 2010
I think the aqua keyword is quite balanced as it is now, but that's mostly because there aren't many aqua cards implemented yet. The effect is small and it takes either patience or luck to get a decent chain going.
Lord_Earthfire on 19:38, 17. Mar, 2010
In comparison with other Card effects it isnt small, like brigand Keywords. The fact, that there are a few aqua Cards, can change very fast, since there are a lot of ideas of Water creatures possible. And the effect is too general, since a durable Aqua Card would trigger the Keyword with every use.
jbryant3 on 19:48, 17. Mar, 2010
A durable card would not continuously trigger the effect since you have to play a different card (same reason 2 Telekinesis won't trigger the Nature effect).
Lord_Earthfire on 21:00, 17. Mar, 2010
Nature and Illusion durables wouldn't. But read the effect of Aqua. There is nothing mentioned about the condition that the card need to be a different one.
Progressor on 22:16, 17. Mar, 2010
Fithz wrote:
I've forgot that also progressor had proposed the aqua keyword; I'm really glad that a new keyword was implemented.

Me to ;-p
I indeed vaguely remember calling it Aquatic...

The effect could be a lil bit too strong, but Im not sure untill I see it in game. As for the Brigand comparison: Brigand don't continously trigger their keyword, but they do continuously steel. This chain might be less neverending and annoying then plain Brigand card effects.
We'll see

Strive for height does someting in turn 1 (looking at the bright side ;-)).