The description, as it stands, is very vague and misleading. My interpretation, and probably other new players' interpretation of it as well, would be as follows:
If last card played was Undead support
So cards like Death Wave, Eternal Guardian, Crypt Sentry. Note how there's no mention of the card needing to be a Discard card.
replace cards in hand
Replace every single card in your current hand.
with your discarded Undead
With randomly chosen cards with the Undead keyword from a list of cards that were discarded by the player during the course of the match.
So that led to these: all of the conditions in the description of the card were met, I expected it to replace my hand with Army of Darkness cards (list of discarded cards: Army of Darkness, random(Army of Darkness) == Army of Darkness). But apparently that's not how the card works in the slightest, and the description is wrong.
So how about changing the description to:
If last card played was Corpses behemoth or Unholy shrine, return its discarded cards
No more ambiguity, no more chance to have any exploits, and the description is even shorter than the original.