
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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Progressor on 12:35, 26. Jan, 2010
Would make me replace Minotaur (in my Unliving / Titan deck, probably in my Burning deck too).
-Only marginally higher cost
-Attack is higher _and_ non conditional. (Minotaur requires your opponent to have sufficient wall to do 10 dmg.)
-Potentially more wall. (Probably usually, and in turn 1 it's guaranteed.)
Fithz Hood on 12:39, 26. Jan, 2010
You're saying it's too good, right?
3 possibility:
1: rise the cost;
2: lower the attack
3: use destroyed tower instead of destroyed wall.
what do you suggest?
Progressor on 12:52, 26. Jan, 2010
4. Cap + wall ;-) (Boring)

1 Boring solution (bad argument, I know)
2 Has it's charm, since it automatically caps the wall.
3 Would make it more in line with last defender, and since I pick Minotaur partially because of it's defence, it wouldn't make me pick it without a rebuild.

So it's basically depends what your idea for the card is. You want it to have good def-potential, go 2. You want it to fit Last defender theme, go 3.

To other Forumers, version that is discussed:
B8 G6
Burning. Unliving.
Attack 12,
Wall +N,
N = destroyed wall (during the attack).

Now I look at it, what if there where Swift attacks before it?
Fithz Hood on 12:57, 26. Jan, 2010
uuuh, I didn't think about a previous swift/quick attack. My intention is to count only the damage dealt by the golem, but I'm not sure it's possible.
anyway I'll reduce the attack (and also the cost, just a bit).
Mojko on 15:27, 26. Jan, 2010
"My intention is to count only the damage dealt by the golem, but I'm not sure it's possible."

Yes, it is.