Outcome: Tower destruction victory
Winner: Progressor
Hide opponent's cards: no
Base = 100 EXP
Game rating
Modifier: 1.05, Total: 105 EXP
Opponent rating
Modifier: 0.7, Total: 74 EXP
Victory rating
Modifier: 1, Total: 74 EXP
Gentle touch (0.2)
Bonus: 0.2, Total: 15 EXP
You gained 89 EXP
With all 3 previous phases expressed in modifiers, it's sometimes confusing that Bonus does not. Wheras you did 'current exp * modifier' the previous times, you suddenly have to do 'current exp + current exp * Award mod'.
I asume this has been done for the case that you colected multiple Awards (you don't want them to stack). For that case I would change the report to something like the folowing example:
Gentle touch (0.2)
Survivor (0.9)
Bonus: 2.1, Total: ...
Or in this case the Total: ... would be redundant, since the next line is:
You gained ... EXP