
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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Chrone on 22:51, 29. Dec, 2009
There are some cards that have no effect if new.
So maybe it will be rational to replace the whole annoying phrase with a single keyword?
FilipeSilva on 02:49, 30. Dec, 2009
It also would be great if those cards could not be played if new (I think that a label like that could make it easier to implement that)
Chrone on 09:10, 30. Dec, 2009
I already proposed that, but this idea was declined.
Mojko on 09:15, 30. Dec, 2009
This can't be implemented, since the card effect is executed before the keyword effect and this is done independently.
Chrone on 10:57, 30. Dec, 2009
So maybe it can check for "new" flag and just make effect that inverts card effect? A-la master of the past. Victory conditions and game limits are still checked after keyword effect, so nothing will change.
Progressor on 15:58, 30. Dec, 2009
Giving it a keyword would also have effects for cards like Witcher. I still hear people complaining about the balance Lotus which received "No if new" as balance, so it would have been be a possible balance measure :-P.

Is it also not possible to give a card an effect that is not written on the card when you view it in an actual game, but is present in the database?
If so, it's a potential workaround. You could display the keyword 'Slow' and not display the 'no effect if new'-line, while this line ís there in the database.

I'm not saying I want this, just thinking out loud.
DPsycho on 19:12, 30. Dec, 2009
Going with what Progressor brainstormed, perhaps a separate kind of tag that operates like a keyword but is not a keyword. It would have to visually appear distinctly separate from the keywords, probably on its own line and not using the same black boldface. Things like Quick, Swift, and No effect if New could carry their own terminology like "Effect" that doesn't count as a keyword for purposes of Witcher calculations (but are still accessible for other cards' effects like Don't be hasty).

It would make some cards more lengthy and it would remove Quick and Swift from the keyword pool, altering current balances, but it would allow for a truncation of "No effect if New" from several cards and allow for other similar truncations in the future.
Mojko on 20:31, 30. Dec, 2009
I would rather implement a keyword that nullifies the effect of the played card, i think it's a better choice from the implementation point of view. However, I'm still not convinced it is necessary.
Chrone on 00:54, 7. Jan, 2010
Gameplay will change slightly only for witcher and rainbow dragon.
Keywords look cool. Text looks bad.
I guess rebirth keyword was made for the same reason.

Although your point seems not logical to me, i have no intention to convince somebody. It is your decision.

By the way, "select card to be replaced by -thiscard-" can be replaced with "shifting" keyword ftw
Progressor on 20:25, 7. Jan, 2010
Although your point seems not logical to me, i have no intention to convince somebody. It is your decision.
This reads like you're having language issues again. Im wel aware that it can be hard to express yourself, or read what others mean, in another language. Sometimes it's even hard regardless of language, jus becoase it's written. One might see (or not see) emotions/intentions while they aren't (or are) in the text.

What Mojko is saying by 'Im not concinced it's necesary.' is that he does not see sufficient reason to change this. Whether the arguments in favor come from someone who is trying to convince them or not is not very relevant.
Good arguments, all that matters ;-)