r1466 Player filter input form changed from drop-down-box to text input in Replays section.
r1467 Player filter input form changed from drop-down-box to text input in Messages section.
r1468 AI games can no longer be ended with the "Finish" procedure.
r1470 Error handling corrected in the games oriented actions.
r1471 BBcode related JavaScript code moved to other utilities functions. Onclick attributes replaced with JQuery selectors. Added missing internal names for BBcode buttons.
r1473 JavaScript code separated into code generally used (remains in utils.js) and code specific for some section. Instead of loading all of the JavaScript code, only the necessary code is loaded.
r1475 Card code is now formatted as a source code for better readability.
r1476 Added missing chat input validation.
r1477 Chat message list layout slightly improved.
r1480 Reverse chat order setting execution improved.
r1483 In-game refresh is now disabled when user opens the game note. Once the game note is closed the refresh is resumed. (javascript only)
r1484 In game chat reworked completely.
r1486 Game manual updated (Chat).