r1063 Book of life card effect corrected.
r1064 Finishable games are now highlighted in the games list with text notice.
r1069 Corrected bad ordering in player name filter list in messages section.
r1071 Stock gained via production at the end of turn is now always displayed in the changes on stock.
r1072 List sorting corrected in the statistics section.
r1074 Merged in /dev/hyperlinks.
r1075 Game manual updated.
r1076 Added a JavaScript library to make MSIE behave like a standards-compliant browser.
r1077 Added styles for button elements, slightly optimized CSS code.
r1078 Button input elements transformed into button elements.
r1088 POST processing is now omitted in case of a GET request, which speeds up the application in such case.
r1089 Obsolete styles for input submit elements removed. Corrected some skin styles.
r1090 New balance changes.
r1091 Improved GET/POST parameter handler.
r1092 Corrected url parsing in BBcode module.