Djinn wrote:
I think I can agree with that, antichroust; there are some parallels to how Brigand/Destruction used to be, where you can make it more like only one person is playing the game, because the other doesn't really have any options.
Seems like something that will need to be considered when something is added or changed to counter Cursed cards.
In my opinion now when the Restoration keyword was optimized (no more necessary trigger for playing combo: non-common+another restoration), playing against Brigand/Destruction is fine and can be even fun, but Cursed keyword really gives you no choice but play that card to get rid of it.
example: I just played Pheonix and halve of the opponent hand become searing fire... well what can he do? for the next lets say four turns he is playing these cards (if im not rich enought to play phoenix again next turn)... not fun
its ok when you occasionally get one cursed card... well not much happens, there should be plenty of other playable cards in your hand, this is just what happens when you are cursed (but you still know, you cant get rid of that card other way than playing it, but maybe you dont mind if the other cards are ok - just handicap from being cursed = its fine)
so i see main problem in number of cursed
my solution would be something like this:
lets say Banish, or Restoration, or another cards incorporate discarding of Cursed cards in some extent:
common - if more than one Cursed in hand, discard one common Cursed keyword card
uncommon - discard up to three Cursed keyword cards of lower rarity or one of same rarity
rare - discard all Cursed keyword cards in hand, cant discard rare Cursed card
but watch out for the posibility of discarding "positive" cursed cards (Ice qeen, Gate guardian, Ancient Ruins,...) from your hand...