Wall of Paradox (uncommon)
Cost: free,
If the last card you've played was Wall of Paradox
wall +8, stock -2, next card will be Wall of Paradox,
else wall +10.
Warrior of Paradox (uncommon)
Cost: 1 recruit,
If the last card you've played was Warrior of Paradox
attack 7, stock -2, next card will be Warrior of Paradox,
else attack 9.
Relic Hunter (uncommon)
Cost: 4/4/4,
discard all your non-titan cards.
Avenging Angel (rare) (holy)
Cost: 35 recruits 15 gems,
attack = 100 - (your)tower.
Equilibrium (uncommon)
Cost: 5/5/5,
negates the effect of opponent's last turn(s) on your facilities.
Wasted Power (uncommon)
Cost: 6 recruits,
Discards a rare card from hand
attack = 20
If none found
next card will be scepter of summoning.
Fair Play (uncommon)
Cost: free,
Mode1: discard a random common card from both player's hands
Mode2: discard a random uncommon card from both player's hands
Mode3: discard a random rare card from both player's hands
If you don't have a card of the selected rarity the card will not work (it is played with no effects)
Virtuosity (uncommon)
Cost 4/4/4,
discard all your keyword-cards,
if you don't have any kayword-card
tower+10, wall+10.
Humility (common)
Cost: 4/4/4,
if you have 8 common cards in your hand
next card will be a rare
always: stock +1 for each common card in your hand.
Dignity (common)
Cost: 1/1/1,
if stock < 12
tower +14.
Friendship (uncommon)
Cost: 10/10/10
discard all your overpowered cards,
your opponent will be grateful.