MeCho wrote:
You understand thats cute and funny because when i told you the same in different words you went berserk on me
Did you? Geez, who would think your words
are hard to understand?
Besides, I understood you wished the card to cost more. But no matter what your point was, you've backed up your wish with pure gibberish. You've supported your meaning behind arguments you'll never convince me with, while DPsycho told me a good one, and told me in a text I don't need to fill in every punctuation for first.
DPsycho didn't even back you up. They just said "the same thing" without any mention of you, thus IF by some chance you did say what he said too and I had a brainfart, you can be sure they didn't even bother to read what you say anymore. Take your pick. But I think DP is more dedicated than such.
But pretend you've had an 'I've got you moment' as much as you want. Go ahead. Ignore I have commended you for the few spatters of contribution and progress you've managed to show already. Tell everyone how I am a bitter, angered hypocrite who took upon themselves to be your rival here no matter what, to talk you down even when you say "the same" as someone I will listen to. Because obviously you are THAT important, and not just a pain in my backside.
Fact is, we are two unimportant people on an obscure site. You say something stupid, I feel compelled to put you in your place, and life moves forward for everyone else. They don't care. The higher ups just read them to make sure we don't break any rules. Me, I just have a hard time to shut up and let you wallow in your mistakes. And maybe, just maybe, there is someone who is very bored and reads how I tear you a new one every time just for the comedy value.
Nothing the two of us talk of will ever matter to anyone but you.
You're far too much gone into your own little word to even threaten my cred. You are JUST as nuts as you sound, and nobody will believe you no matter what you think.
But, heavens are thanked to how fast you've ran through your repertoire, I don't have to write as long messages as the one here to address every small part of your mistakes. I can just link people here and to the others! Unless you change up your act and behave as a respectable person, in which case, "joke's on me", eh?