
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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DPsycho on 16:50, 1. Jul, 2015
Short notice, Common 0-cost
Gain 1 of your lowest resource and 2 random resources

Years ago, there were more than a couple Common, 0-cost, Quick cards. By their nature, they were practically required in every deck as they served as a way to freely eliminate a Common slot in favor of redrawing, increasing the overall chances of getting an Uncommon. It was a problem. They were rebalanced to eliminate this.

This needs to have a cost or to be rebalanced without Quick.
Zaton on 17:01, 1. Jul, 2015
Hm. I see~ I didn't know, thank you for your information:3 Say, a cost of 2 of their highest resources?

Short Notice, Common Zero Cost.

If highest resource>1, lose 2, gain 1 of your lowest resource and 2 random resources
Lord_Earthfire on 13:12, 2. Jul, 2015
As far as i see, the only purpose of this card is to redraw a common slot. Even with this low effect, i can see every deck playing a card like this, since it can be played even without any recources.

If we add any common quick card, it should have at least an effect and a apropriate cost.
Compare it with Poison frog:

I dont want again to see common cards to be played only for their Quick keyword.
Zaton on 13:16, 2. Jul, 2015
Hm. Yes, you are right. I had not considered my fix did not address the issue intended to be fixed._.