While reading a lengthy card concept just now, I tried to think of ways to reduce text and have a proposal to make. Right now, there are a number of cards that include the mechanic/phrase "replace cards in hand with cards from your deck" with various other stipulations. I suggest using the term "redraw" to describe this behavior and noting it in the game's manual.
Here are some examples of how current text would change:
Cheshire: "Replace other rare cards in hand with rare cards from your deck" becomes "Redraw other rare cards in hand with rare"
Dream shift: "Replace your hand with cards from your deck of the same rarity as replaced cards" becomes "Redraw your hand with same rarity"
Magic portal: "Replace a card in hand with uncommon card from your deck" becomes "Redraw a card in hand with Uncommon"
Scepter of evolution: "Replace your hand with 4 commons, 3 uncommons and 1 rare from your deck" becomes "Redraw your hand with 4 commons, 3 uncommons and 1 rare"
Veteran militia: "Replace a card in hand with a card from your deck of the same rarity (can't summon self)" becomes "Redraw a card in hand with same rarity (can't summon self)"
Cards that summon a specified rarity from your deck would be unchanged as they lack the discarding element. The cards
Intrigue, and
Kitsune would not change as they do not use the mechanic as described (by targeting the opponent's cards).
Adding new terminology may be confusing for new players, so that's one drawback. Also, "from your deck" is currently the stated exception, with no mention of it meaning from the entire card pool, so keeping the current terminology is good for uniformity. But it would help abbreviate some text that is used a lot throughout the game and the concepts. I just wonder what others' opinions are.