This card exists for almost a year, and now I can say - and I guess many would agree with me - that it's not good at all. This card sucks in almost every way you can imagine. It's not so good in tower+ decks, because it costs 20B, can be played only once per game (okay, twice if you're not lucky). It would be somewhat useful in old Holy/Soldier decks based on Zealot, but we don't have it anymore. Soldier decks can use it to raise Soldier tokens, but 20B could be spent for Desert outpost, Troll bridge et cetera. Holy... Well, there are much more effective ways to raise tower in Holy decks.
Remake it, please. And there is a couple of suggestions from me:
1) 18B cost, Tower: +30-2N, N = Tower/Max tower * 10.
2) Cost and effect are the same, but add "Dungeon: +1, won't raise Dungeon above 6".