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Myschly on 19:57, 24. Jun, 2009
So I just saw a card suggestion, kakerlake's "Gem Bomb", which had the keyword "Amplifier".

I was hesitant to create a new thread, but I think it was the right choice.

How do people feel about this sort of a keyword, which doesn't do too much, apart from sitting in the hand?

The general ideas that the clay to create a diamond from are (this keyword will be called X):
1 - Whenever you play a card with a Keyword that has tokens, you get tokens from X for that/those keyword(s) as well. So it could count as a Barbarian or a Holy or both in hand!
2 - Effects where a keyword is involved, i e "N = # of Soldier cards in hand", X is counted in N. (Maybe a limit for the # if Rainbow Dragon won't count it only as X)
3 - (from old thread) Their Active-ability exists only if they have one, i.e. "Mode 1: Token is counted as a Mage card. Mode 2: Token is counted as an Alliance card. Or maybe "If you have 5 or more cards with a keyword in hand, Token will count as that keyword".
4 - Also as kakerlakes card suggested: That N would be increased depending on amount of X cards in hand.

I think the 2nd one is the one that is difficult/impossible to implement? It should probably be a Keyword that you just want sitting pretty in your hand, and the cards shouldn't have strong effects.

The point is that it's a very general idea, ranging from being a rare Keyword like Flare attack (as DPsycho intended Chromatic to be), or more of a Joker in the deck (as I was thinking), or just some booster as kakerlake intended (I guess).

I like the idea of having a neutral card being able to help bridge the gap between a two-Keyword deck, or helping a deck a central Keyword get its tokens.
Also, to have a card that is good to have sitting in your hand. Currently Burning cards can be good to have just as sitting dummies doing nothing, but still, not really.
kakerlake on 21:58, 24. Jun, 2009
Actually i wrote the keyword Amplifier because i couldn't decide which one i should pick. But it is also a good idea how you thought i intended it to be used ;)

Your 3rd point can be implemented. Take a glimpse at my "Groupie" Spongebob.
With that one new tactics can be born. Having a token slot with e.g. Burning but not a single Burning card in hand.
Myschly on 00:32, 25. Jun, 2009
Ah 2nd was the one I meant. Fixed it now.

Yeah I liked the Groupie (altho' maybe make it look a bit more serious ;) ). I've got a couple of card suggestions in the original "Keyword: Token"-thread that are a bit interesting. That one's in the Development-section (I thought I made this one in that section as well, maybe made a mistake).
kakerlake on 00:41, 25. Jun, 2009
nr 2 should also be no mayor problem to implement. whenever it sais # of soldier cards add an invisible "or X cards". like this there wont be a problem with rainbow dragon and similar.

i didn't read all of the posts and suggestions that were made but it is true that i picked that token idea up from somewhere. though i cant remember where from exactly :P
Chrone on 13:43, 25. Jun, 2009
I like amplifier idea, but further developing seems very poor. We need playable amplifier cards instead of raw idea.

Cards like groupie discredit this idea.
Myschly on 15:40, 25. Jun, 2009
Well if Groupie discredits it (which it does if you are serious), then check out the original idea (from April in Developments section). Groupie wasn't part of that idea ;)

Like I said in my last post of the old thread...

"The simplest effect of the keyword: If you have a 2 Alliance cards and 1 X-Keyword card, it counts as 3 Alliance." - Tokenwise that is. Maybe counts with # of Alliance-card effects if possible.
Chrone on 20:37, 25. Jun, 2009
As i already said - no one needs ideas. No one cares of old threads or something else.

Point is in finished, balanced cards with good images. Which are absent.
DPsycho on 22:20, 25. Jun, 2009
I like discussing new ideas, and I do care about the old threads where we discussed them. Just putting in my two cents here.
Myschly on 01:02, 26. Jun, 2009
Xpoh: I like to establish a new Keywords possibilities, limitations, what the point of it is, the feel of it, BEFORE making the cards.

Otherwise you create 20 cards of which 16 are either impossible, useless, or out of character of what the Keyword is intended for.