Compiling a text list of changes to make it easier to compare...
Citadel: tower gain changed from +22 to +18, added wall +6
Gorgon: +/-6 changed to +/-5
Heavy infantry: appears to just be an image replacement
Imperial griffon: total redesign. Always attack 30, conditionally restores 12 recruits, removed Charge, cost reduced from 31 to 30
Intrigue: Now replaces selected card with Common from your deck rather than a standard discard/redraw
Lancer: Removed Soldier, Banish, and Skirmisher; added Barbarian and Frenzy(10)
Lighthouse: Per discussion in the card's thread, will grant variable tower based on whether match is already revealed (+7 or +13, from always +13). Reveals matching card to always trigger Far sight effect.
Monster slayer: Removed Soldier and Skirmisher, added Far sight
Regulator: Formerly
Return to the Beginning (no functional change)
Royal pikemen: Cost raised from 12 to 18 but refunds 4. Attack reduced from 16 to 10, added +10 wall
Standstill: +5/+10 reduced to +4/+8 for both players
War elephant: Soldier keyword changed to Barbarian, otherwise functions the same