
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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jubekoll on 13:58, 26. Feb, 2012
dragons vs pyramids how many pyramids i have to build in one game?
DPsycho on 19:41, 28. Feb, 2012
[moderator DPsycho: Recreating thread attached to replay]

Please use the button at the top of the replay screen to start conversation. Doing so will generate a forum thread attached to the replay rather than having to link it in text. (Note that the thread now has a "View replay" button at the top.)
Spoon on 22:18, 28. Feb, 2012
Heh.. nice game!
nitebite on 23:03, 24. Mar, 2012
WOW! That's what I call power-play... be glad, that you had that "Wonder" in the beginning... ;-)