There was a discussion about the big advantage, when a player is allowed to go first.
In the first version of MArcomage, the player who was challenged always got to play first. Later, we changed it to a random pick from both players, however according to my analysis, it may be an advantage to go first.
Of course, it depends on the deck and play style, some decks may exploit this adavantage more, some less. That is why I got this idea:
Starting bonus
Starting bonus can be
- first turn (you go first)
- bonus resource
- bonus wall
- bonus tower
When you send/accept a challenge you will also pick a starting bonus. When both players will pick the same bonus, it will be decided randomly which one will get it, and the other player will get some different bonus.
The idea behind it is to let the decks that want to go first choose bonus "First turn". On the other hand, decks that don't need to go first can choose some bonus that might be more interesting for them. So the second player will get some compensation for not going first.
The bonuses and their ammount are not clear, so this is only a rough idea.
There is also possibilty of making it very simple - first player will be picked randomly and the other player will get some stock bonus automatically, so no bonus picking is necessary.