
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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Chrone on 13:51, 8. May, 2009
JM, take intrigue or sphynx in your deck, and forget about that problem.
tom on 16:21, 9. May, 2009
i for one am glad of this change- if it hadn't been made, all of the uber-powerful Priest decks would be out of control. i need to pack bronze golem and ogre just to keep that bad boy in check. i wouldnt want them to be discarding things like mountain sentry or hungry dead when the priestly menace is afoot.
Progressor on 13:49, 10. May, 2009
I never even seen Priest been used. But if you go by tom's reasoning, you'd want to aim Banish...

I however won't choose Banish cards for their Banish keyword with the current situation, and if I ever will choose a card for discarding it won't be a banish, more something like Intrigue. Maybe with previous Banish, durable was just too easy to discard, I don't know.
JimmyMethod on 16:24, 12. May, 2009
It makes the game more random because it makes rares more powerful.

It's luck if you draw a rare. It weights the game toward getting lucky, not good deck construction.
Damalycus on 08:28, 6. Jul, 2012
I hope to live to the day when banish does not allow to draw rares
Mojko on 08:29, 6. Jul, 2012
Should it replace the banished card with a card of a lower rarity from opponent's deck?
dimitris on 08:49, 6. Jul, 2012
This is a great idea IMO.
Damalycus on 12:32, 6. Jul, 2012
Yes, It's even greater than simply disallowing rares. I wonder why noone thought of that before