Mojko wrote:
Started playing both Might & Magic: Heroes 6 Gold edition and Witcher 2 enhanced edition. As expected, they made several improvements, these are the ones I noticed the most:
Might & Magic: Heroes 6
- game no longer crashes randomly when loading save games list
- game no longer crashes randomly on adventure map
- city management screen is now a animated 2D picture, instead of 3D rendered, which greatly improves performance
- multiple side quests are now finishable
- game balance is tweaked (for example Vampire's ability is now useful)
- special ability of heroes now work (for example Heaven campaign main hero's ability didn't work)
- special ability of several units that didn't work, now work (Griffin for example)
- ability descriptions now features actual values instead of variable names (some ability descriptions were like 'raises you attack by $attack' instead of 'raises you attack by 3')
-> as a bonus there are two extra campaigns (Sandro and Crag Hack)
Witcher 2:
- game no longer crashes randomly when attempting to save game
- multiple quests are now finishable
- multiple items can now be crafted properly
- game no longer crashes randomly in main menu
-> storage for player's items added
-> as a bonus 'dark' difficulty and unique items were added
Wow, after writing down all the improvements, one can wonder how both these games made it past beta testing...
Beta tester: "hey, there is a ton of problems in this game"
Developer1: "Hey guys there is one of them in front of me! what were they called?"
Developer2: "Beta testers!"
Devoloper3: "Weren't they extinct with the coming of Patches?"
Developer1: "What should I do with this one?"
Developer2: "Just tell him "Good job!" or something like that and kick his ass out of here"
Beta tester: "ehm, I'm kinda hear you, you know?..."