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dindon on 22:32, 7. Sep, 2011
Does anyone else think this card is really underpowered? I mean, compare it to Magic Portal which lets you summon an uncommon from your own deck, and also lets you manipulate card positions, for a mere 3 gems.

I think it's a fun, interesting effect, and I wish it were a viable addition to rainbow decks at least. Maybe have it give a little stock or something? Or give it an obvious rainbow synergy like:

Wall +2N
N: number of different keywords in hand

Rainbow decks could really use some love.
Fithz Hood on 23:10, 7. Sep, 2011
Well, it has far sight. maybe it should summon an uncommon without restrictions
dindon on 00:14, 8. Sep, 2011
Well, that's the same card, except 1/48th of the time you'll draw a card from your deck rather than one not from your deck. The difference is pretty insignificant.
Fithz Hood on 00:33, 8. Sep, 2011
yes, is a really small buff, so it's not a problem if we make it.
I think the card it's not so bad, expecially in hidden mode.
Make it summons a non-common card? maybe it's too powerful that way
DPsycho on 00:38, 8. Sep, 2011
Perhaps it could summon an Uncommon that either does or does not feature a keyword that you already have in hand, depending on what kind of synergy you're going for.

"Summons an Uncommon with a keyword:
Mode1: matching one in hand
Mode2: not present in hand"

For mode 1, the keyword would be selected randomly from those in hand.
Fithz Hood on 00:53, 8. Sep, 2011
ah, I know: let's make it quick (without far sight). no? not even if we raise its cost?
dindon on 02:09, 8. Sep, 2011
DPsycho wrote:
Perhaps it could summon an Uncommon that either does or does not feature a keyword that you already have in hand, depending on what kind of synergy you're going for.

"Summons an Uncommon with a keyword:
Mode1: matching one in hand
Mode2: not present in hand"

For mode 1, the keyword would be selected randomly from those in hand.

I like this idea, especially mode 2. Mode 1 could be used to cleverly summon really valuable keywords (Legend, Frenzy, Flare attack), though maybe setting that up would be more trouble than it's worth.

Mode 2 has the corner case where you have every keyword in hand already. I have a feeling this isn't possible, but I'm not sure. In any case, it should be accounted for so that it's safe even when new cards come out.
DPsycho on 02:18, 8. Sep, 2011
dindon wrote:
Mode 1 could be used to cleverly summon really valuable keywords (Legend, Frenzy, Flare attack), though maybe setting that up would be more trouble than it's worth.

There is no Uncommon with Flare attack, and there are no Frenzy cards that have that keyword alone. Legend could be an issue, but I doubt that a Legend deck without Mage or Illusion or Nature synergy (or any other keyword, I suppose) would work very well. I think it would work out, but no one would know without seeing it in action.

dindon wrote:
Mode 2 has the corner case where you have every keyword in hand already. I have a feeling this isn't possible, but I'm not sure. In any case, it should be accounted for so that it's safe even when new cards come out.

I did think of this, and it seems unlikely, but you are correct that if not now, it could some day be possible. Perhaps it should then draw a keywordless card? ;) Since I like to dig through the cards to answer questions like this, I might just try and figure out such a hand.
dindon on 02:24, 8. Sep, 2011
Oops, you're right, I forgot it was limited to uncommons.

I just tried to get a minimal set of cards spanning every keyword in the game. The lowest I could get was 13. Let me know if you beat it. :)
DPsycho on 02:25, 8. Sep, 2011
Working on it! I'm labeling Flare Attack as Not Applicable and dedicating the Far Sight card to Messenger as a necessity.
DPsycho on 02:51, 8. Sep, 2011
I also got 13, not including Messenger. Here's my chart.

Alliance - Druid
Aqua - Sea Serpent
Banish - Lancer
Barbarian - Wolf Mistress
Beast - Wolf Mistress
Brigand - ...
Burning - Phoenix
Charge - Ghost Rider
Destruction - Chain Lightning
Dragon - Fairy Dragon
Durable - Arthoria the Saber
Enduring - Arthoria the Saber
Far Sight - Titan's Head, Arthoria the Saber
Flare Attack - Phoenix
Frenzy - Wolf Mistress
Holy - Benediction
Illusion - Ghost Rider
Legend - Arthoria the Saber
Mage - Druid
Nature - Chain Lightning
Quick - Fairy Dragon
Rebirth - Phoenix
Restoration - Benediction
Runic - ...
Siege - Sea Serpent
Skirmisher - Lancer
Soldier - Lancer
Swift - Arthoria the Saber
Titan - Titan's Head
Undead - Ghost Rider
Unliving - Titan's Head

Phoenix, Arthoria the Saber, Titan's Head, Lancer, Wolf Mistress, Chain Lightning, Ghost Rider, Sea Serpent, Fairy Dragon, Benediction, Druid, ANY BRIGAND, ANY RUNIC
NG_Beholder on 05:00, 8. Sep, 2011
You can do it with 12 cards and no free positions:

Alliance - Druid
Aqua - Exiled
Banish - Paladin
Barbarian - Wolf Mistress
Beast - Wolf Mistress
Brigand - Exiled
Burning - Phoenix
Charge - Ghost Rider
Destruction - Perfect shot
Dragon - Fairy Dragon
Durable - Arthoria the Saber, Mountain Sentry
Enduring - Arthoria the Saber
Far Sight - Arthoria the Saber, Titan's Head
Flare Attack - Phoenix
Frenzy - Wolf Mistress
Holy - Paladin
Illusion - Ghost Rider
Legend - Arthoria the Saber
Mage - Druid
Nature - Spring Wood
Quick - Fairy Dragon
Rebirth - Phoenix
Restoration - Spring Wood
Runic - Mountain Sentry
Siege - Perfect shot
Skirmisher - Mountain Sentry
Soldier - Paladin
Swift - Arthoria the Saber
Titan - Titan's Head
Undead - Ghost Rider
Unliving - Titan's Head

Druid, Exiled, Paladin, Wolf Mistress, Phoenix, Ghost Rider, Perfect shot, Fairy Dragon, Arthoria the Saber, Spring Wood, Mountain Sentry, Titan's Head.

And even without Arthoria:

Alliance - Priestess of Light
Aqua - Sea Priestess
Banish - Paladin
Barbarian - Battle Rager
Beast - Griffin
Brigand - Hungry Dead
Burning - Phoenix
Charge - Ghost Rider
Destruction - Perfect shot
Dragon - Fairy Dragon
Durable - Hungry Dead
Enduring - Hungry Dead
Far Sight - Griffin
Flare Attack - Phoenix
Frenzy - Battle Rager
Holy - Priestess of Light
Illusion - Ghost Rider
Legend - Ancient Sage
Mage - Mage
Nature - Ancient Sage
Quick - Fairy Dragon
Rebirth - Phoenix
Restoration - Sea Priestess
Runic - Griffin
Siege - Perfect shot
Skirmisher - Battle Rager
Soldier - Paladin
Swift - Mage
Titan - Titan's Legs
Undead - Hungry Dead, Ghost Rider
Unliving - Titan's Legs

Hungry Dead, Paladin, Sea Priestess, Perfect shot, Phoenix, Griffin, Battle Rager, Ancient Sage, Fairy Dragon, Ghost Rider, Mage, Priestess of Light.

And even without crossing keywords:

Alliance - Druid
Aqua - Exiled
Banish - Paladin
Barbarian - Battle Rager
Beast - Roc
Brigand - Exiled
Burning - Phoenix
Charge - Ghost Rider
Destruction - Perfect Shot
Dragon - Fairy Dragon
Durable - Arthoria the Saber
Enduring - Arthoria the Saber
Far Sight - Arthoria the Saber
Flare Attack - Phoenix
Frenzy - Battle Rager
Holy - Paladin
Illusion - Ghost Rider
Legend - Arthoria the Saber
Mage - Druid
Nature - Spring wood
Quick - Fairy Dragon
Rebirth - Phoenix
Restoration - Spring wood
Runic - Roc
Siege - Perfect Shot
Skirmisher - Battle Rager
Soldier - Paladin
Swift - Arthoria the Saber
Titan - Titan's Legs
Undead - Ghost Rider
Unliving - Titan's Legs

Druid, Exiled, Paladin, Battle Rager, Roc, Phoenix, Ghost Rider, Perfect Shot, Fairy Dragon, Arthoria the Saber, Spring wood, Titan's Legs

Honestly, I don't think that one could use 11 or less cards for it. I tried many times, but couldn't. There's only one card with 5 keywords (Arthoria) and only one card with 4 keywords (Hungry dead), and they have a cross-over, as well as most of the cards with 3 keywords.
DPsycho on 13:22, 8. Sep, 2011
Ah, nice. I figured there might be a way to get down to 12 by shuffling some of the cards with two keywords for different combinations.

And mine doesn't double up on any keywords either if you replace Titan's Head for any other non-Rare Titan. I just opted for that one for the greatest coverage, though I was otherwise going for the lowest rarity. The experiment's not much good if you require an unlikely hand of rares to succeed.
NG_Beholder on 14:27, 8. Sep, 2011
Well, I guess, one rare - Phoenix - is inevitable because of unique keywords combination. If you try to replace it with Fire elemental and Wildfire gem - you'll need 13-14 cards. Another is Arthoria, but you can skip it (although you'll probably need another rare).
DPsycho on 14:49, 8. Sep, 2011
You could avoid Phoenix in this specific case since we're only interested in keywords that exist on Uncommon cards, so Flare attack is moot. However, you'd have to get down to 7 cards (with the 8th being Messenger and its Far sight keyword) to create a failing condition, and it's clear now that won't happen with our current card pool.

I feel compelled to quote a TV show and declare that this myth is busted.
MeCho on 16:55, 18. Oct, 2015
Now im using this card for my specialized hidden mode deck but i think its problem is that it has a high chance of summoning completely useless card and needs a redesign maybe we could increase its cost a bit a and make it summon a no support keyword uncommon
MeCho on 12:05, 5. Mar, 2016
I would like to someone to make a review whether or not it is better then standard draw.Now i know its hard to do because Messenger can summon completely useless cards and its hard to take into account when they will be useless and when not but a general idea would be appreciated