Yes, it's time. I tried this combination and I'm not happy for how it works though I can easily win 3 games of 4 with this deck.
This deck isn't like Undead - Holy is relatively weak keyword, and Soldier returns only recruits cost. Undead also has much more attack potential than Holy/Soldier because of Undead host and many rares with heavy attack. The only Holy rare with high attack is Avenging angel, and this is very situational card. But the thing is that Holy/Soldier doesn't rely on rares by any means.
We have 6 Holy/Soldier cards: Crusader, Fanatic, Knight templar, Paladin, Temple guard and Zealot - main Holy/Soldier weapon. Plus Guardian angel that doesn't have Soldier keyword itself, but has it as a support keyword. Plus Heresy that can give you up to 3 Fanatics and Death before dishonor that turns Fanatic into Zealots (and Zealots into Guardian angels, but that's not so needed).
With all of this usual N for Zealot and Guardian angel is 11-13. 43-49 attack for Zealot, 33-39 attack and 44-52 wall for Guardian angel - and these cards are not very expensive unlike Undead host. And don't forget that we are talking about Holy, so we can use Fairy, Angel, Benediction and Priest as resource support and Crystal golem as defensive card (24-30 wall from a common!). Mass replacers like Elemental storm? Doesn't work because Holy decks usually have Purifying fire.
I can compare Zealot only with Keeper of souls. Keeper of souls is definitely strong both in Beast and Burning decks. But even with recruits returning, even with additional attack from Beast and Burning in enemy hand Keeper of souls is weaker than Zealot. You can't summon Keeper of souls with guarantee, you have only one more Beast/Burning card that is near to useless, and Zealot modifier is higher so Zealot still inflicts more damage. Same story with another Beast - Forest spirit. It's a strong card, but Zealot deals twice as much damage as Forest spirit, and Guardian angel builds much more wall, not to mention that Guardian angel's attack is higher too. Moreover, when you play Forest spirit, you even can't hope on N >= 12, only 9-10, because it relies only on your hand, and there is only one more Beast/Nature card.
Remember discussion about one single Corrupted woods and Nature strength? Holy/Soldier is much stronger than Nature was. With that synergy, stock increasers and defensive capabilities it is even stronger than Undead that I still consider overpowered.
The worst thing that I can't suggest any ways to nerf it except multiplier decreasings for Zealot and Guardian angel and removing Soldier keywords from Temple guard and maybe Fanatic. Maybe you can suggest anything?