
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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Saff on 20:51, 24. Jan, 2009
Just a small idea. When your tower is less than 10, how about the text displays in red to reflect the danger? Additionally maybe you could get a +1 random resource per round.
DPsycho on 03:05, 25. Jan, 2009
I'd feel that this would be confusing. Red and orange colors are used already to denote discarding and reduction of values. Also, there are already card effects that are triggered by a low tower. I don't think there needs to be resource generation on top of that.
KingPirux on 18:06, 25. Jan, 2009
why not something like: 10! with a ! to represent the danger :P
JimmyMethod on 19:04, 25. Jan, 2009
If you aren't paying that much attention, you deserve to have your tower destroyed.
Saff on 21:00, 25. Jan, 2009
Well excuuuuuuuse me, princess
viperio on 00:14, 26. Jan, 2009
Break it up guys and gals :D

Saff is somewhat right - having a low Tower is very serious and a quick notification of that might help the player out.

For example if the "Tower: (Height)" notification changes color to red (and/or the text font becomes bold), that would certainly grab the player's attention.

If there was a battle log with information messages, there might also be a note there:

"Oh noes! Your tower is [Height]! If you don't rase it soon, your opponent might destroy it!"
DPsycho on 01:02, 26. Jan, 2009
I don't know. I think the visual with the tower's roof nearly touching the ground is enough of an alert. I would find anything more to be annoying, to say the least.
Saff on 01:55, 26. Jan, 2009
When you're in games where your tower is constantly hovering around 10-20 it's hard to notice a slight and possibly deadly drop.
Progressor on 15:20, 26. Jan, 2009
Then, with those 2 point's from both side, it should be an option. Then you can turn it of if you don't like it.
KingPirux on 15:55, 27. Jan, 2009
yep. like any change to the actual game aparience, should be something optional. and this one is cool and i think easy to implement.
Mojko on 18:50, 28. Jan, 2009
I don't think it is neccesary to inform player about such thing. Of course, this could be a very good feature in a real-time game, but in turn based game you have all the time in the world to analyze the situation.

I can tell you from my experience, that sometimes I also make mistakes and lose a game becuase of that. But in situations like these this feature wouldn't change a thing. If I'm not paying attention to the game, I wouldn't likely pay attention to this feature.
Myschly on 01:30, 30. Jan, 2009
The only idea I like here is the battle log and NO on the warning-sign.

Like a previous poster mentioned. If you don't notice your tower is 10 or below, your only hope is to be more vigilant, or dumb luck.

How many times hasn't it happened that you forget to check opponents new card, and forget that you have a Lich on your hand to save you from dying...

Always looking at opponents cards and resources is part of the game. If you're not paying attention to that, then we might as well make the opponents hand hidden.