
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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July on 19:04, 20. Mar, 2011
I want to change my nick name! Can I do this?
dindon on 19:06, 20. Mar, 2011
I think there was a topic about this a long time ago, and the answer was "Yes, if you ask Mojko nicely". A while back, a user named Xpoh was able to get his name changed to Crone. I don't know if the offer is still on the table. It involves manually updating a bunch of database tables.
July on 19:42, 20. Mar, 2011
I will be happy! I want to change my today nickname on my usual nickname qqqj
dindon on 20:43, 20. Mar, 2011
Well that's not quite as easy to remember as July, but whatever floats your boat :P

I've thought about maybe changing my username (dindon means "turkey" in French). I imagine everyone already knows me by that name now though, so I wouldn't want to confuse people by changing it (especially since I change my avatar a lot).
July on 20:49, 20. Mar, 2011
you change your avatar for a lot of time!!!)))
I write here I change my nick name! you will remember and get used me)
Mojko on 21:00, 20. Mar, 2011
It's possible, but we don't have such functionality implemented. I'll look into it. It may take some time however.
Mojko on 07:28, 23. Mar, 2011
After some analysis I had to postpone this request, due to possible data corruption it causes. This system uses usernames as key identifiers. This allows database tables to be much more readable. The downside is that such change is difficult to implement. Last time we did the name change for Xpoh to Chrone we ended up with corrupted replays that were beyond fixing and had to be deleted.

We plan to make the game data "more readable" which will allow the name change request.
NG_Beholder on 14:23, 24. Mar, 2011
Well, I don't know... Can you leave nickname/identifier as it is now and add another field for nickname? I've seen something like that in IPB 2.3.6. Login name was used for logging in and as identifier, and nickname appeared in forum messages.
Mojko on 16:08, 24. Mar, 2011
I have other solution in my mind. When I'm done with testing, I will inform you about the results.
Mojko on 08:20, 7. Apr, 2011
Recent data changes finally allowed me to implement rename player functionality. Now, I won't have to write specific update scripts for name change anymore, because the application can handle that now :) So, after the next update, if you want a name change, just let me know - it should take only few moments.

Implemented in r1536. Changes will be applied in the next update.
DPsycho on 17:58, 7. Apr, 2011
Once this is implemented, we should have a forum thread documenting name changes to ease confusion.