
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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dindon on 06:14, 5. Mar, 2011
It seems like autorefresh hasn't been working consistently since the update. My first impression is that it's working in a game, but not outside of one.
Mojko on 09:09, 5. Mar, 2011
Did you refresh you cached files? Press F5 and report back if problem persists.
dindon on 18:57, 5. Mar, 2011
I've refreshed a few times, and it's still not working. In Firebug I'm getting:

StartRefresh is not defined
[Break On This Error] var timer = StartRefresh();
Fithz Hood on 23:06, 5. Mar, 2011
I have the same problem: in-game autorefresh works fine but it doesn't work in "games page" (where all the active and hosted games are listed). I'm using chrome
Mojko on 07:56, 6. Mar, 2011
I've tested the refresh in both Firefox and Chrome and it works fine on my computer. You could try manually reload cash files in the advanced settings.

Next thing is the location of the error. Try just enter some game with the auto-refresh setting and don't do any other action within the game screen. Does the refresh work or not? If it doesn't work test it in a different browser.

If it does work then try to use the game note or the chat. Does this action disable the refresh permanently? (note that after you close the chat the refresh counter is resumed at 0, so you have to wait the whole refresh interval to get the page refreshed again)
Razorhelm on 13:46, 6. Mar, 2011
I am having the same problem -- doesn't work on game page.
Mojko on 19:27, 6. Mar, 2011
I found the source of the problem. First the solution - you need to press F5 within in the game screen.

Now detailed explanation follows.

Because of optimization some information that webpage needs is stored in the external files such as CSS files (describes the webpage layout) and JavaScript files (describes the dynamic functionality of the webpage). By having this information in separate files allows the browser to cache it. In other words, the files are downloaded only the first time the user views the webpage and on the next visit the browser reuses the files stored from the first visit.

The upside is that it reduces download time of the webpage. The downside is however, that if these files were changed in the meantime the user will not have the updated files and will see the webpage with outdated ones. In this case he has to manually command the browser to throw away the cached files and request new ones. This is done by the F5 button.

Problem is that F5 may not work all the time, because of the specific browser configuration. In such situation you have to clear the browser cache manually.

How to do this?


Tools -> Delete private data -> Detailed options -> select Delete entire cache only -> Delete


Tools -> Clear recent history -> select Cache only -> Clear now


Tools -> Clear browsing data -> select Empty the cache only -> Clear browsing data
dindon on 20:24, 6. Mar, 2011
Can't you fix this caching problem by just renaming the files that have changed?
Mojko on 20:28, 6. Mar, 2011
Yes, including the date of last modification into the cached file name would solve the problem. However, we haven't been able to find a suitable solution how to automatize the process yet.
Razorhelm on 03:43, 7. Mar, 2011
Emptied cache from Chrome as instructed. F5'd every active page. Still no autorefresh of Games page, but does refresh when within an individual game.
vlinderke on 10:18, 7. Mar, 2011
autorefresh works perfectly now...
I'm using the old chat again, but everytime I try to type it refreshes while it didn't do that earlier... or is that just my imagination?
Mojko on 17:38, 7. Mar, 2011
All issues are now fixed. Please go to the games list section and press F5 once to apply the changes. Sorry for the inconvenience.