Has anyone else felt this? I don't see as many around as I used to, but there are definitely still some problems with the key word even though it has the chance to sap resources. The biggest problems I think are probably Death Wave which can deal a lot of damage considering the cost and rarity (common) and isn't even an undead card so it isn't subject to the key word's drawback. Other problem cards are Banshee (extremely high damage considering the cost), Crypt (gets you a powerful undead card), Eternal Guardian (makes attacking back that much harder for such a low price, and Vampire Countess (makes the draw back of undead almost meaningless in most games and allows you to power out some of the really strong ones).
It might be my personal play style and my deck choices, but I find that there is still very little you can do against a good undead opening hand. I personally don't have much fun playing against them especially hands where they have a good number of undead plus Countess to put the hand on steroids.
I think the big problem is that there are so many decent undead cards so that it is easy to get large numbers of them in your hand and destroy your opponent with cards like Death Wave, Banshee, Corpse Behemoth.
This is just my personal experience, so please tell me if you feel otherwise.
EDIT: I added unliving as I feel it is another keyword that is perhaps more widely abused thanks to cards like Mud and Rock Elemental, Crystal Golem (my least favorite new card, it's common for christ sake!), reuse the rubble, and the ease of accumulating bricks and quarry all along with a positive keyword proc.
Tell me what you think, suggestions for possible fixes for some cards if you agree perhaps. If you think I'm just complaining, tell me that too :)