
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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Noak on 01:14, 24. Dec, 2010
I for one think that cards like Lotus, Return to the beginning, Laputa etc. needs a complete remake or removal. The existence of those cards that can ignore or reverse the current status of the game totally changes the metagame to what i believe is for the worse. I think that Building wall/tower and attacking your opponents wall/tower should always be something that favors you. Currently you are often better of saving resources for a few strong offensive cards that can finish off your opponent rather than gradually wearing him down with offensive cards just because of the probability of him drawing one of these or having one of these on hand.

Is stacking tons of discard cards hoping for good draws really more fun than working towards a goal of victory?
DPsycho on 01:25, 24. Dec, 2010
I agree that this is worth questioning. These particular cards have the potential to stall a game in a way that removes elements of fun from the matches. Once your opponent has them in hand, they are either played right away or held onto until such a time as their benefits are optimized, and that latter scenario forces you to sit on your hands and actually avoid making gains in order to prevent your opponent turning them against you. White Lotus in particular becomes an arms race where no one acts until he has a hand full of Uncommons and Rares that can see him through the use of the balancing.

They do have their charm, and turning the tide of a match with the quick play of a lucky draw can be exhilarating, but that obnoxious stalemate that often occurs when it's not immediately played really kills the fun, and for both players.
dimitris on 10:04, 24. Dec, 2010
I don't think so. Strategy is one element of the game, and these cards often help strategy.

Maybe they should be more restricted and conditional, though.

Oh, and we shouldn't confuse the overpowered (in long mode) Laputa with the others :)
Noak on 01:34, 30. Dec, 2010
I don't think they increase the strategic elements of the game, Since they are all rares without the ability of being easily summoned you can't build a strategy around getting one and in the rare occasion you do it can completely offset your opponents strategy essentially limiting the use of most cards, enabling a race were you try get a good hand that will be useful after said card or hoping to draw a discard card, this is in my book the precise opposite of "strategy"